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All About the Divisibility by 25

The rules can be used to check if a number is divisible by 25 without doing any division. Do you want to know how? Read this article carefully.

What is the least number divisible by 1 to 25? What are some of the divisibility rules for 25? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more. We will discuss what divisibility by 25 means, and provide some examples of numbers that are divisible by 25. We will also show you how to use a divisibility rule for 25 in order to determine whether or not a number is divisible by 25. So, if you want to learn all about the divisibility of 25, then this blog post is for you!

What is divisibility by 25?

Divisibility by 25 means that a number is divisible by 25. A number is divisible by 25 if the last or the final two digits of the number are divisible by 25. For example, 125 is divisible by 25 because the last two digits, 25, are divisible by 25.

When a number is divisible by 25, it means that the number can be divided evenly by 25. The number 50 is divisible by 25 because it can be evenly divided into two groups of 25. 100 is divisible by 25 because it can be evenly divided into four groups of 25.

The divisibility rule for 25:

The divisibility rule for 25 is helpful to know when you’re trying to figure out whether a number is divisible by 25. Here are the rules for divisibility of 25:

 If the last or the final two digits of a number are divisible by 25 then the whole number is divisible by 25. This rule can be used to check if a number is divisible by 25 without doing any division. 

For example: Is 600 divisible by 25? Yes, because the last two digits, 00 are divisible by 25. 

You can also use this divisibility rule when the number you’re trying to divide isn’t a multiple of 25. 

For example: What is the smallest number divisible by 25? The answer is 100 because it is the smallest number whose last two digits are divisible by 25. 

This divisibility rule can also be applied to other numbers that end with 00 such as 50, 100, and 200. 

The divisibility rule for 25 can be a helpful tool when you’re trying to figure out whether a number is divisible by 25. Be sure to keep this rule in mind the next time you need to do some division!

By following these simple rules, you can quickly and easily determine if a number is divisible by 25 without having to do any extra work. So next time you’re stuck on a division problem, be sure to check and see if the divisibility rule for 25 can help you out!

As you can see, the divisibility rule for 25 is a simple and easy way to determine if a number is divisible by 25. Be sure to keep this rule in mind the next time you need to do some division!

Divisibility by 25 questions:

Here are some divisibility by 25 questions:

Question 1: What is the least number divisible by both 24 and 25?

Solution: The least number divisible by both 24 and 25 is 1200.

To find the least number divisible by two numbers, we need to find their LCM (lowest common multiple).

The LCM of 24 and 25 is 1200.

Question: Is 27 divisible by 25?

Solution: No, 27 is not divisible by 25.

To check if a number is divisible by another number, we need to see if there is a remainder when we divide them. So, When 27 is divided25, the remainder is not 0. Therefore, we can say that 27 is not divisible by 25.

Question: Is 40000 divisible by 25?

Solution: Yes, 4000 is divisible by 25.

When we divide 4000 by 25, the remainder is 0. Therefore, 4000 is divisible by 25.

Now that we know how divisibility by 25 works, let’s try some divisibility by 25 questions!

Divisible by 25 Questions

What is the smallest number divisible by 25 from 26 to 100?

What is the smallest number divisible by 25 from 101 to 200?


If a number is not divisible by 25, then it cannot be evenly divided by 25. This means that the number will have a remainder when divided by 25. For example, if you divide 26 by 25, the answer will be 26 divided by 25 with a remainder of one. So, divisibility by 25 is a pretty straightforward concept. As long as the number you’re dividing is divisible by 25, then the answer will be divisible by 25 as well. The least number divisible by all numbers from one to 25 is 450.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is divisibility by 25?

Answer :  A number is divisible by 25 if it can be divided even...Read full

What is the least number divisible by 25?

Answer :

The least number divisible by 25 is 100.

How do you know if a number is divisible by 25?

Answer : To find out if a number is divisible by 25, divide it by 25. ...Read full

What are some numbers divisible by 25?

Answer : Some numbers divisible by 25 are 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500....Read full

What happens if a number is divisible by 25?

Answer : If a number is divisible by 25, then it can be evenly divided ...Read full

Why is divisibility by 25 important?

Answer : Divisibility by 25 is a quick way to check if a number is divi...Read full