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Why British First Land On Indian Territory?

The British East India Company slowly began to take control of more and more of India over the next hundred years. Learn about When And Why British First Land On Indian Territory.

On 15th August 1947, India finally became an independent country. After years of struggle and sacrifice, the British Raj was no more. But how did it all begin? How and why did the British first land on Indian territory? In this blog post, we will take a look at the history of British rule in India and explore some of the events that led up to Indian independence.

Indian Independence:

The British first landed on Indian territory in the early 1600s. The British East India Company was formed in 1600 and given a royal charter by Queen Elizabeth I. The company’s goal was to trade with India and expand British influence there. The company’s first ships arrived in India in 1608, and the British began to establish trading posts along the country’s coast.

The British East India Company slowly began to take control of more and more of India over the next hundred years. In 1757, the company won a military victory against the French at the Battle of Plassey. This event marked the beginning of British rule in India.

Formation of East Company:

The British East India Company was formed in 1600. Its main purpose was to trade with the East Indies, but it also had the power to make war and peace and to establish colonies. The company began to take an interest in Indian affairs from the early 1600s onwards, primarily because it needed somewhere to buy its spices. The company’s first contact with India came in 1608 when an English explorer named William Hawkins sailed to the court of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir in Agra. Trade relations were established, but they were not always smooth. In 1617, another Englishman named Sir Thomas Roe was sent to the Mughal court as an ambassador. His main task was to arrange a treaty that would give the company the right to trade freely in India.

In 1664, the British Parliament decided to give the company official status as a royal charter. This made it a powerful body in its own right, answerable only to the king or queen of England. The company now had its own army, which is used to protect its interests in India. It also had the power to make treaties and agreements with Indian rulers. The company’s position was further strengthened in 1773 when Parliament passed the Regulating Act. This act gave the company more control over Indian affairs and increased its powers.

When did the first British land in India?

The British first landed on Indian territory in 1608 at Surat. The British East India Company was given a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600, which granted the company a monopoly on trade with the East Indies. The charter also gave the company permission to establish forts and factories in the East Indies. The first British to land in India were employees of the East India Company.

Impact of British rule in India:

Here are the impacts of British rule in India:

Economic: The British rule led to the development of infrastructure in India. This includes the construction of roads, railways, and canals. The British also developed the economy by introducing new crops and industries.

Social: The British rule led to the spread of Western education and culture in India. This led to a decline in traditional Indian values and customs.

Political: The British rule led to the rise of Indian nationalism. This led to the development of a strong sense of pride and patriotism among Indians.

The British rule in India came to an end in 1947, when India became an independent country. However, the impact of British rule can still be seen in India today.


In conclusion, the British first landed on Indian territory in 1765 and began their rule in India. The first British to land in India were led by Robert Clive. Although the British had many reasons for coming to India, they ultimately wanted to control the country’s vast resources. The British rule in India lasted for nearly two centuries, until 1947 when India finally gained independence. Thank you for reading and we hope this article has helped to improve your understanding of the British presence in India. Happy 75th Independence Day!


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