In India, the generation of power is done with the use of thermal, hydro and nuclear power. Also with renewable sources, there is evidence that solar, wind, biomass etc. can be great power generator sources. Today in India most of the energy production is generated by thermal power only. At least 75% of total generation power is made through thermal power plants only which is also a great initiative for the country. Total power generation was recorded to be more than 103.67 billion units as per the date of the Central Electricity Authority.
Power Generation in India
Mostly thermal power generating plants are the main source of electricity production in India. But there are continuous efforts to innovate new alternatives to it. Especially through renewable resources, there is always a constant plan for it. Here the power generator will rely on the waste mostly and these recycling things are enough to generate power. After 2000 there was a continuous increase in the share of power production through coal. Like 68% of the millennium has increased to the amount of 73% till 2013. All energy productive shares have decreased except the renewables resource power generator.
Solar Energy
We all are aware of solar energy. Solar energy is a kind of power generation process where the sun is the only source from which a solar power plant can get the energy. The advantage of having this energy production method is that it is completely free and Available in plenty of amounts. Also, it represents that there will be no pollution. There will be no harmful gas, nothing. Just sun energy will work as a power generator here.
Wind Energy
Here it depends on the wind speed. The natural movement of wind will produce the energy in this method. A windmill will be installed in a windy area and the speed of the wind will decide the amount of power. This is why you will see this power generator is installed near the open land or near the sea. The benefit of this power generation process does not harm the environment in any way. Also easily available for everyone.
Biomass and Biofuels
Here you can take the example of your household waste which you are giving for the dumping process. These dumps are collected in the truck and they are sent to the bio plant then those collected wastes will be thrown in the bio plant and those wastes will be processed to help in the energy generator. Almost 50 crore MT is recorded for a year to be used as biomass. The benefit here is you can see it nearby your area easily, especially in rural areas.
Water Energy
Here a simple flow of water is used as a power generator. Till now India has already made a heavy amount of investment in the Hydro Power Plant. These power plants are easily giving electricity to the villages. At least 15000 a megawatt of energy is recorded to be consumed by the country. It is a reliable and eco-friendly power generating method. It doesn’t require any harm to the environment as well. A small power plant needs a small investment.
Thermal Energy
Here to produce the energy the Thermal power needs heat which is stored in the earth’s crust. The stored heat will work as a power generator. It is a completely natural process where heat is generated by the earth itself. Many agencies have already established power plants for the heavy load of work. It is completely a 24×7 energy supply concept that will not have any effect on winter as well.
It is not just about the use of environmentally friendly resources to generate energy but also there are some other sources to produce energy as well. But these power production devices or machines are banned in many countries. Earlier people used to use coal, natural gas and also oil to produce energy for their personal purposes which were completely harmful to the environment and also to the resources of the country.