Bank Exam » Bank Exam Study Materials » General Awareness » RRBS TO MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS


Mutual funds are professionally operated institutional funds that operate on the making investment of money from different investors and stakeholders to buy securities in the market.

Mutual funds can be termed as the professional investing teams that manage their working policies based on the money invested by various stakeholders and investors. The operation of mutual funds comes into the act in the market and it is also affected by the share market at times. Whereas RRBs can be specified as the Regional Rural Banks of India that is operated by the ministry of finance in India. RRBs is a government registered commercial bank schedule which handles three regional stages of states.  They both are crucial and important parts of the economic and financial sector of finding a core source of money-making policies. 

Mutual Funds: Define

Mutual Fund is distinguished as a company that pools finances from various stakeholders and investors and incorporates that finance in purchasing securities like short term debt, bonds, and stocks. The combination of mutual funds is known as a portfolio. There are basically three types of mutual investments which are close-ended and open-ended mutual funds. There are some branches of these mutual funds as well that are liquid or money market funds, growth or equity schemes, balanced funds, debt mutual funds, MIT, and Guilt funds.  Each of these mutual funds has its specification in the market and obtain its own share of the ups and downfalls of the market. 

Mutual Fund and Share market: Discuss

Mutual funds are the investment platform that pools investments in the form of monetary value from various investors for the transformation of funds into the securities of the mutual funds. Mutual funds provide securities for both types of investors, irrespective of financial condition, the institution helps the investors in various short- and long-term securities having various benefits associated with it. The securities are in the form of security, bonds, and other units of mutual funds. In context to the share market, this can be understood as the place where securities are dealt. There are two types of the share market: primary and secondary. 

In the primary share market securities are bought and sold for the first time. The transaction of the securities takes place between the company and investors. On the other hand, the secondary market includes the transaction that takes place between investors. Here securities are sold,  and purchased for the second time and dealt for the already issued securities. The share market is run by the regulations issued by the stock exchange board of India (SEBI).  All the companies and investors must abide by the laws issued by  SEBI.

Share market: Define

Share market is referred to as a physical place where bonds, securities debentures, stocks are purchased and sold. The securities are issued by,  the companies to the investors. The rules and regulations related to securities are governed by stock exchanges and SEBI. There are  secondary and primary share markets. 

Risk of mutual fund in share market: Discuss 

Investing money in any sector requires a keen understanding and observation of the area and an in-depth study and analysis. Like every other security, mutual funds are also liable to market risk. The kinds of funding or investing are unpredictable as the future is known to nobody and an understanding, about the decreasing or increasing fact of the money invested remain unattainable. Units of Mutual funding incorporates various things like settlement risks, trading volumes, default risk, liquidity risk and another possible loss of principal factors of investing. 


The study highlights the learning and understanding of Mutual funds and the RRBs. The different roles and points of similarities that both shares in the market are highlighted upon further study. The study discussed the share market and its various policies and strategies that are to be kept in mind while investing in the market. It pivots on the risk analysis factors of the investment making policies of these funds. It highlights different mutual funds where any individual can invest their money such as liquid funds, MIT, Equity scheme, debt mutual funds and more. 


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What are mutual funds?

Ans : Mutual funds are coined as the investment funds...Read full

What are the mutual fund and share markets?

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What are the risks associated with the investment in the mutual fund share market?

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What is the Share market?

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What do you understand by respective RRBs?

Ans : RRBs are Regional Rural Banks established by the either ...Read full