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Punjab: Census 2001 And Census 2011 Comparison

This article gives information about the districts of Jharkhand according to Census 2011, the largest district of Jharkhand by population and The population of Jharkhand according to the 2011 census.

What is a census?

A census seems to be a method of gathering, collecting, as well as recording data regarding individuals within a specific population in a systematic manner. The census seems to be commonly associated with the countrywide population; it also includes housing censuses, along with other popular censuses that include agricultural census data, as well as cultural heritage, commerce, supply, and transport census data. Individual registration and inclusiveness within a specific region seem to be fundamental aspects of a country’s population, as well as housing census data as per the United Nations, which advises that population censuses should be done every 10 years. In addition to census categories, the United nation also advises for official definitions, designations, as well as other relevant information for helping in coordinating worldwide operations.

Brief of the census on Punjab:

Punjab seems to have a total population of roughly around 27.7 million inhabitants, as per the 2011 Indian Census data. The caste population statistics for every higher caste resident within Punjab recorded throughout the Socio-Economic as well as Caste Census data in 2011 have still not been made available by the Government of India. Punjab’s total population seems to be 63.2 percent of Scheduled Castes as well as other Backward Classes.

The state’s official language seems to be Punjabi; this seems to be written in Gurmukhi script. Muslims seem to comprise a small percentage that is a majority in a town called Malerkotla, and they communicate using Shahmukhi. Punjabi, as of today, seems to be the only official language of Punjab, and it has been spoken by the vast majority of the population, which is approximately 89.82 per cent of the population, according to the 2011 census report. The second most common language seems to be Hindi within the region of Punjab, which is used as a primary language by 7.85 per cent of the population. The remaining people speak various other Indian languages and seem to amount to 2.83 per cent of the total population.

Sikhism is by far the most widely followed religion within the regions of Punjab. As per the 2011 census, Sikhism seems to have followers accounting for about 57.69 per cent of the total population, making Punjab the only region that has followers of Sikhism as the majority in a state. Hinduism seems to be practised by approximately 38.49 per cent of the total population present in Punjab, or 10.67 million people, whereas Islam seems to be practised by approximately 1.93 per cent of the state’s total population. Buddhism, Christianity, as well as Jainism, are some of the other kinds of faiths practiced in Punjab. Comparing it to the 2001 census, Sikhism had 14million followers with 8million Hinduism followers and 300 thousand Muslim population.

The total male population in Punjab, according to the census data of 2001, seems to be around 12 million individuals, with an increase in the population of males throughout the years, making it around 14million after the census data of around 2011. The female population in Punjab after census evaluation in 2001 accounted for approximately 11million, with an increase in population around the census year 2011, accounting for around a 13million total population. The census report of 2001 recorded the literacy rates of Punjab as approximately around 14million, which seems to amount to a 69percent of the total population; this number seems to have increased with the 2011 census data with around 18million people with literacy which amount to around 75 per cent of the total population. 

According to current Punjab census statistics, which is of the census year 2011, it seems that at least 88.88% of residences are owned legally, while at least 8.77% seem to be leased. Throughout Punjab, approximately 65.66 percent of couples seem to have a residence in a single-family. Punjab seems to be split among 22 districts, the district of Ludhiana being the most populous comprising around 3.4 million people according to the census data, and Barnala being the least populous region. The region of Ferozepur has 2,190 square kilometers throughout Punjab, making it the largest district, while Kapurthala seems to be the smallest with 1,633 square kilometers.


The article explains the census of Punjab briefly from 2001 to 2011; it further talks about the language disparities along with the difference in faith throughout Punjab and mentions their census data. THe census usually helps in making a proper assessment of the rise or decrease in all kinds of factors in a region. The article also mentions a few topics related to the census of Punjab.


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