Political Science

Political Science is a discipline that systematically studies the state, the government, power and people’s relation to them.

Political Science refers to the discipline that studies closely the nature, functions, and actions of the state and systems of government. It is a systematic study of political activities. The word “politic” derives from the Greek word “Polis” which means Greek city-states. Things that are related to state governance, therefore, are ‘politics. And the field of study dedicated to studying anything related to politics in political science. 

Political science as a discipline 

We are all quite familiar with the quote, “Man by nature is a political animal.” This is a quote by Aristotle who is also the father of Political Science. Political Science or the study of politics has been institutionalised as early as in the classical era. Plato and Aristotle were both engaged in this systematic study of politics. It goes without saying that Political Science is a human science. And In classical Greece, many other things such as family and property were also taken under the purview of the study of Politics.

Later with the Romans the legal aspect of Political science was emphasised. With the emergence of Christianity, Political Science was incorporated as a field of study within the Church. St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas who introduced Aristotle to the Latin world are notable names of that time. 

Later many other diverse schools of thought have emerged and contributed substantially to the discipline of Political Science. Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbs, John Locke, and Jean Jack Rousseau are all distinguished political philosophers whose thoughts have enriched the study of the state, power, and governance to a great extent. 

With the emergence of capitalism, the discipline took new turns. The Industrial Revolution changed drastically the way people used to live in the west. And thus newer theoretical approaches within the discipline of Political Science were necessary. With Karl Marx’s questioning of the existing economic and political mode, i.e., capitalism, a new school of thought emerged. This thought is termed Communism and/or Socialism. 

Yet the discipline has gone through profound changes with the two world wars. After WWII the understanding of the state, power, capital, and human behaviour all went through substantial changes, the field has broadened its spheres and incorporated many new thoughts. Max Webber is one of the most notable figures in modern political thought. 

The field of Political Science has still no limit. As long as there will be changes in human society, there will be changes in the way we see power and its relation to the state and people residing in it. Consequently, Political Science as a discipline will grow more and more. In India, Universities and schools teach political science in Hindi, Bangla, Tamil and all other major Indian languages. 

Political Science vs Politics

In the classical sense of the words, there isn’t much difference between these two things. But in terms of their usage both in language and in practice have made them two quite different. Political Science now refers to a systematic study of the state, governance and power. On the other hand, the word “politics” has acquired a meaning that deals with the same thing in practice. Engaging in ‘Politics’ means you’re practically involved in something that concerns the state, power, governance and of course people. But Political Science on the other hand denotes a ‘scientific’ or systematic study of the state, the government, and its three organs namely, Legislative, executive, and judiciary. 

Moreover, in a layman’s understanding politics has been equated with party politics which has narrowed down its scope in general usage quite a bit but as we have seen the scope of Political science and even of Politics is much larger than this narrow usage. 


The discipline of Political Science is vast in both its meaning and scope. This discipline is ever-changing and ever-growing hence defining Political Science is a very difficult task. Nonetheless, the systems of government, their function, and organisations are all essential to the academic study of politics. As humans live in a society that requires governance and laws to function efficiently, the study of Political Science is a very relevant subject.