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Permanent Residency Certificate

The article discusses the permanent residency certificate (PRC) and its use and the basic purpose of making a PRC. It also discusses the eligibility criteria that are needed for the PRC and the documents necessary for applying to a PRC and the article sums up the most frequently asked question on the topic of Permanent Residency Certificate and disputes related to it in the North-East.

A permanent residency certificate is considered a kind of proof for showing that a person is a permanent living member of a particular city or village. This kind of certificate is majorly issued with the purpose of availing domicile linked quota for attaining Govt jobs with ease and also for the easy selection in the educational institutes of that particularity or village. If the person is having this certificate then it is easier for him to meet the qualification that is majorly required in the government jobs and many jobs also have a major requirement and some schools also give preference to its permanent resident people prior reference then the one coming from other country or city or village. The northeastern part of India is in the view of agreeing on a plan of giving PRC to few citizens. 

Purpose of permanent residency certificate 

A permanent residency certificate is a legally binding document that acts as a form of identification and must be provided anywhere as proof of residence is requested.

To get the local privileges a permanent resident status certificate should be provided in a variety of scenarios such as admission to educational institutions’ employment reservation in major areas and particularly for a government positions.If a citizen want to get a ration card which is used by many people on a daily basis then in that case also a permanent residency status certificate is also expected while applying for the card. Permanent residency certificate is required to take advantage of the terms of numerous state programs well as to receive state scholarships.

Validity of residency certificate

The certificate of permanent residency is valid for the rest of your life. The candidates will be entitled to the rest of their lives once they have secured proof of residency from the regional government body unless they migrate to some different state, the individual can even use the documentation as often as they like without any kind of limitation. 

According to state guidelines and rules, a residency certificate granted for any proper application is permanent for about 1 year to a max of 5 years. 

Eligibility Criteria Related To North East 

Citizens who do not already reside within the state but want to do that in the future can indeed apply. Aside from the permanent resident status certificate the government also provides a kind of interim residency certificate for persons who are only visiting the state

The eligibility criteria 

  • Anyone who has lived in a northeast town or city for at least 5-10 years is allowed to apply for a residency certificate
  • The application must provide a copy of both the record of rights for the housing plot possessed by him, his family or his grandparent
  • A woman who doesn’t even belong to Arunachal Pradesh but is still engaged with an Arunachal Pradesh residence is also qualified to participate in PRC
  • Any person who is not a resident of the northeast city and is employed as a public official in the province is also able to claim this certificate


The north-eastern states have already been granted the PRC because they are deemed permanently citizens of the state and are entitled to quota advantage whilst other non-STs are requesting ST designation in order to be eligible for the same privileges as Arunachal Pradesh schedule tribesAnd other than the northeast countries the scheduled tribes have a sizeable presence in Assam and therefore are entitled to domicile-linked benefits, they are classified as a scheduled tribe in Assam, Assam scheduled tribes are also in the need of ST designation which is itself contested by the north-eastern states.So it can clearly be said that there is much use for the permanent residency certificate and it is of vital importance as it can help an individual to a great extent while getting a particular job in the government sector of that city and also many people can get various facilities of grants subsidies and access to a higher level of education by state scholarship which is a very important advantage.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the BANK Examination Preparation.

Explain permanent residency certificates

Answer. Permanent residency certificates are confirmation that a citizen has lived in a village or city for a long period of time....Read full

In brief mention 3 purposes of a permanent residency certificate (PRC)

Answer. Some of the specific purposes of the PRC are as follows: PRC must be p...Read full

Name all the states in India that issue PRC?

Answer. Jammu and Kashmir ...Read full

What are the major documents that are required for the residency certificate?

Answer. The following paper is necessary to apply for a resident proof certificate: Scanned copy of the departure cer...Read full