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Notable Features On Any Three Irrigation Projects Of Maharashtra

In India, The state of Maharashtra has a seasonal climate. In the five geographical regions of Maharashtra, there is considerable variation in weather and rainfall. In Maharashtra, the irrigation year is from 1st July to 30 June of the next year. The Kharif season is from 1 July to 14 October, followed by the rabi season till 28 February of the next year. The hot weather season is considered from 1 march to 30 June. Irrigation plans or projects are prepared based on water availability in the reservoir. The projects have to be very realistic and fulfil the cultivators’ demands. Some of the irrigation projects proposed are Jivrekha medium irrigation project, Jigaon major irrigation project, and Jine Kathapur Lift Major Irrigation project.

Jigaon major irrigation project:

Jigaon major irrigation project is in the Buldhana district and is considered the only major project in Vidarbha. The river associated with the jigaon project is the Purna river, a tributary of river Tapi near jigaon villages. The project involves implementing the Jigaon major irrigation project at Nandura taluka in the Buldhana district. It involves the construction of the earthen dam with a gated spillway of 8.24 Km. The project will irrigate 84240 ha. of land through 12 nos of the Lift Irrigation Scheme. The project is meant to have a storage of 553.689 MCM and will be designed to envisage 548.237 MCM of water from the river Tapi. The maximum outflow flood is 24131 m3/ s. It is an earthen dam. The height is 32.245m. It has a gated spillway that has 16 spans which are 15 m wide and 16 m in height. The irrigation potential of the jigaon project is 101088 Ha which has the intensity of irrigation as 120%.

This project is going to provide irrigation facilities through 12 nos. The lift irrigation schemes planned on the periphery of reservoirs will cover Khamgaon, Shegaon, Jalgaon, Sangrampur, Malkapur & Nandura Talukas of’ Buldhana district & Telhara Taluka of Akola district, which are drought-prone areas. 

Jine Kathpur Lift Major Irrigation Project:

Jine Kathpur Lift major irrigation project is located in Koregaon taluka, Satara district of Maharashtra. In this project, it was noticed that it mainly required the construction of one barrage on the river Krishna near Jine village. It aims to provide irrigation facilities to the area which does the production of Kharif. It provides water to irrigable areas that produce Kharif crops and irrigates 27,500 Ha. It is provided that the live storage capacity will be 9.91 MCM which is indeed 10-day storage. The net 75% of the dependable surface yield at the Jine Kathpur barrage is 525.96 MCM, whereas the irrigation utilisation is 89.76 MCM. This project envisages lifting 89.76 MCM (3.17 TMC) of water from the river Krishna (out of Maharashtra’s 16.564.86 MCM (585 TMC) of water allocation from Krishna river) near Jine village in Satara district during the Kharif season to irrigate the drought-prone areas of Khatav and Man Talukas of Satara district by providing irrigation water through closed pipe conduit system 3 r and lifting of water by tanners from the Kolhapur type (K.T.) weirs across rivers Kerala and Man. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. I 061.34 Crore (PL 20 16-1 7) with the benefit-cost ratio as 1.08, which is acceptable for the proposal in drought-prone areas.

Jivrekha medium irrigation project:

Jivrekha medium irrigation project is an earthen dam project which is 5300 ft. in length and with a height of 47ft(maximum height) situated at the gorge portion. Jivrekha medium irrigation project is located on jeevarekha Nala, a tributary of the Purna river located near the village of Akola in Jafferabad tehsil. In this project, from 12 January 1962, the construction was started, with the completion on 30 August 1996 costing a total of Rs. 41,60,980. A waste weir is also constructed with a length of 830ft for the passing of flood discharge of 36,000 cusecs. A head regulator is also installed with a discharging capacity of 32 cusecs. The right flank canal is subjected to be 11 miles in length and is sufficient to irrigate 2630 acres of eight villages in Jafferbad tehsil. The crops irrigated under the project include jowar and cotton. Bajri, paddy, maize, gram, mug, hybrid maize, kardi, and sugarcane. About 1361 acres were irrigated in 1966-67.


Maharashtra is one of the southern states of India. It is the third-largest state in the country, having a geographical area of 30.8 M ha (307713Km²). Within that, 40 per cent area is drought-prone, and 7 per cent is flood-prone. Agriculture is the major occupation which provides food to the growing population in the state. Out of the total working population, 52.7percent depend on rural agriculture. Maharashtra is not a water-deficit state, but due to certain factors, some parts of the state have water scarcity. The provision of irrigation is possible only through sustainable water development in an existing irrigation canal system. Some of the irrigation projects proposed are Jivrekha medium irrigation project, Jigaon major irrigation project, and Jine Kathapur Lift Major Irrigation project.


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