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Nature, Structure, Features of the Indian Economy

This note consists of the nature of the Indian economy, with a firm idea about the economy and structure along with some of the features of that India.

Different countries in this world have different GDPs and the same as in different states of India. There are different GDPs due to the product and population of the state or the country. Also, there are some other factors in terms of the GDP of a state or a country. India is a large country with a decentralized system, so there are different states. These different states have different GDPs. Some of them are high enough. As high as some other countries in the world. You need to know about those comparisons of the GDPs between Indian states and different countries worldwide.


Gross Domestic Products are shortly known as GDP. This measures the market value of all the services and final goods produced by a country or a state in a specific period. So, GDP denotes the total valuation of all the goods and services produced by a country or a state. It is a monetary measurement of all these things.

This is very obvious. Where there are some productions, there will be a comparison happening. So, there is a GDP comparison as well. This GDP can be compared between two countries, between two states of a country, or even between a state and a country.

In the world GDP, India holds a fair place. And so as for the states of India as well. As India is a comparatively large country, and the states of India are somewhere larger than some of the countries in the world, it’s quite natural that there can be a comparison between the states of India and some of the Countries in the world.

GDP By Country

It is so natural that every country will have different GDPs. All the countries have their domestic products, so they have GDP. As all the countries are not the same by almost any parameter, the productions will not be equal. As the production of products and services is not equal, the GDP will also not be equal.

It is also important to know that India is the 5th ranked country in GDP, where the first 4 are the USA, China, Japan, and Germany, respectively. The United Kingdom and France are just a number 6th and 7th. 

Indian States Which Have GDP More or Equal Than Other Countries 

As already mentioned, and that’s a fact, some of the Indian states are bigger, larger, and more populated than many countries, so it is quite natural that the states will have a GDP more than some of the countries in the world. This more GDP has some real-life factors. Based on those, it is possible to have more or equal GDP for some of the states in India compared to some of the countries. The factors are namely- The population of a state. Then comes the area of the state. Market place and the location of that particular state are also great factors in GDP. These factors are also the same for the countries. Let’s look at some of the Indian states that have higher GDPs than some of the countries in the world.

Maharashtra is at the top of the GDP list among the Indian states with $430billion, almost the same as Norway. Then Comes Tamil Nadu with $297 billion, which is almost equal to Finland. UP has a GDP of $240 billion, almost the same as New Zealand. Then comes Gujarat and Karnataka, which have equal GDP to Peru. Then Comes West Bengal, with a GDP of $181 billion, almost equal to Kazakhstan.

Also, there are states with a higher or almost equal GDP to Algeria, Kuwait, Croatia, Myanmar, Côte D Ivoire, and others. So, it can be observed that due to some basic factors of a state or a country, the GDP goes up and down, and that is why some of the Indian states can be compared to some of the countries in the world.


GDP is completely based on the internal factors of a state or a country, including the population, marketplace, demand, area, location on the map, and so on. But this helps a country or a state in the economy. The more the GDP grows, the more economically strong the country or the state will be. That is why it is always better to have higher GDP to be a great economy. And from that comparison, it can be clearly stated that some of the Indian states are more or equally economically strong compared to some of the Countries in the world.


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