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National Flower – Lotus

Lotus is India’s national flower. Scientifically, lotus is named Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn. The national flower, the lotus, is one of the important national symbols. The lotus was adopted as the national flower on 26 January 1950.

It is worth noting that even though the government of India’s website states the lotus as the national flower, the Botanic Survey of India does not assign any flower as the national flower. There are three probable reasons why the lotus was chosen as the national flower. The first one is that India’s national emblem stands on a lotus flower that is in full bloom. The second being the virtues of non-attachment and beauty are symbolized by the lotus flower. The third reason is that it smells pleasant and blooms pretty even though it grows in dirt and muddy waters.

The sacred flower

The lotus flower has special significance in Hindu mythology. This is because the Hindu goddess Saraswathi is seen sitting on the flower. Saraswathi is the goddess of education and learning. The flower also symbolizes veracity. Semi Tropical climates and freshwater bodies are ideal for the lotus to grow. There are many color variations within the lotus flowers like white, pink, red, and purple. In Indian culture, Lotus is seen as a symbol of wealth and triumph. It represents enlightenment and knowledge. It is a perennial flower that prefers stationary water bodies.


Lotus is widely depicted in various Indian art forms. The seeds of Lotus are used in traditional Indian medicine. Heart alignments, spleen, and kidney problems are treated using Lotus seeds. All parts of the lotus plant like root, leaves, and flowers are edible and used to make traditional delicacies. Louts are considered sacred in Buddhism also. The flower is used in various festivities to decorate idols of gods and given as offerings during pujas. The flower requires shallow waters to grow. It has long stems that contain air inside them to facilitate the floating of flowers. The lotus plant has rhizomes in its roots to maximize its efficiency. The plant is rich in various nutrients and vitamins.


India has a rich variety of flora. India is ranked 10th in the world for plant diversity. Lotus is also the national flower of another Asian country: Vietnam. The Egyptians also consider Lotus scared due to the flower being associated with the sun god. The flower is also known as the bean of India. The flower is commonly seen in India, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. Many western nations cultivate the flower for its aesthetic beauty.

The lotus flower is an aquatic herb. It is called the name “Padma “in the Sanskrit language. Lotus has been part of Indian heritage since time immemorial and is considered a reflection of the core values espoused by Indians.

The scientific classification of the lotus flower is as follows:

Kingdom: Plantae

Subkingdom: Viridiplantae

Superdivision: Embryophyta

Division: Tracheophyta

Subdivision: Spermatophytatina

Class: Magnoliopsida

Superorder: Proteanae

Order: Proteales

Family: Nelumbonaceae

Genus: Nelumbo

Species: Nelumbo nucifera


India has a rich variety of flora. India is ranked 10th in the world for plant diversity. Lotus is also the national flower of another Asian country: Vietnam. There are many color variations within the lotus flowers like white, pink, red, and purple. In Indian culture, Lotus is seen as a symbol of wealth and triumph. It represents enlightenment and knowledge.  Scientifically, lotus is named Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn. The national flower, the lotus, is one of the important national symbols. The lotus was adopted as the national flower on 26 January 1950. Even though the government of India’s website states the lotus as the national flower, the Botanic Survey of India does not assign any flower as the national flower. 


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