NABARD Schemes

NABARD is an abbreviation for the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

NABARD is an abbreviation for the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. NABARD manages all credit-related concerns for agricultural and rural enterprises, including policy, planning, and operations. In general, the national bank for agriculture and rural development, oversees the funding of any agricultural operations related to rural development in India, as the institution’s principal purpose is the nationwide growth of India’s rural community. NABARD works in three areas: development, supervision, and funding.

Key Responsibilities of NABARD

NABARD is in charge of agriculture and allied sectors like fisheries, animal husbandry, cottage and village industries, and small-scale enterprises. It also promotes and assists other industries in the rural area, such as handicrafts, artisans, rural crafts, and other linked economic activities.

NABARD Schemes

The Indian government encourages farmers to undertake projects in specific areas by subsidizing a portion of the overall project cost. These projects aim to increase capital investment, long-term revenue flow, and employment in critical national areas.

In several of the schemes depicted in this section, NABARD has been a reverend partner of the government. Subsidies are handed to the financing banks as they are received from the relevant Ministry.

ISAM AgriClinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme’s New Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub-scheme (ACABC)

National Livestock Mission: Entrepreneurship Development and Job Creation (NLM-EDJC)

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Program (DEDS)

Commercial production units of organic inputs – National Organic Farming Project (NOFP)

GSS – Ensuring Subsidy Released Interest Subvention Scheme End Use

NABARD Schemes for the Farming Sector 

The National bank for agriculture and rural development, founded as an agricultural lender, also offers designed plans, such as the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme, to help the farming sector. This scheme intends to empower dairy entrepreneurs by providing them with business assistance to establish dairy farms and grow further.

NABARD’s main goals include increasing the number of modern-day farms for milk production.

  • Technological advancements boost milk production and commercialization.
  • Promoting self-employment and improving infrastructure
  • Conserving breeding stock and promoting heifer calf rearing
  • Other Farming Schemes Launched as Part of the NABARD Agri-clinic and Agribusiness Centers Scheme
  • The National Livestock Mission (NLM)
  • GSS — Ensuring Subsidy End-Use
  • Scheme for Interest Subvention
  • NABARD’s Credit-Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)
  • Commercial Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme

Features of the NABARD Scheme

The National bank for agriculture and rural development, founded in the sixth five-year plan, is an apex development bank in India.  The lending scheme offers a wide range of benefits to the people. Some of the salient features are listed below:

  • Offering assistance with funding or refinancing.
  • In India, the infrastructure of rural areas is being expanded.
  • Developing credit plans for these areas at the district level.
  • Providing direction and assistance to the banking sector in order for it to meet its credit targets for the year.
  • In India, I am in charge of supervising cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).
  • Creating new projects to boost the country’s rural growth.
  • Implementing any of the government’s development programs aimed at promoting rural growth.
  • Handicraft artisans might benefit from training services.

Functions of NABARD

The national bank for agriculture and rural development was founded and had several diverse duties to assist rural communities financially. These are their names:

  • The NABARD scheme attempts to give financing for rural infrastructure in India to facilitate long-term irrigation methods.
  • Providing general financial services and assistance for the growth and betterment of rural India.
  • Planning, implementing, and monitoring any farming and agricultural funding schemes.
  • Providing various funding services to selected locations for the development and growth of food processing units and food parks.
  • Customers can get both long-term and short-term refinance services from this company. At the same time, it offers direct refinancing services to Indian cooperative banks.
  • Rural warehouses can benefit from loan services, cold chain infrastructure, and storage infrastructure.
  • Marketing federations can receive credit facilities from the NABARD scheme.


Another scheme, the Credit-Linked Subsidy Scheme, was created in 2000 to help small-scale industries (SSIs) upgrade their units. These units must be included in the scheme’s established sub-sectors. Through constant support, NABARD has made a significant contribution to advancing India’s agricultural and rural development. The assistance is offered through both financial and non-financial methods, with the schemes primarily provided by rural cooperative banks and regional rural banks. Agricultural producers, fish farmers, cattle ranchers, and others can also profit from these tax breaks. Obtaining a loan for your agribusiness can assist you in meeting your financial objectives.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the BANK Examination Preparation.

What are the Functions of NABARD?

Ans:- NABARD has a three-pronged plan that involves financing, development, and oversight of the country’s agr...Read full

Is NABARD a cooperative bank?

Ans:- The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is India’s regulatory agency for region...Read full

According to the government of India, which scheme is eligible for NABARD?

Ans:- Under the RNFS, NABARD provides refinance assistance to qualifying banks through the Automatic Refinance Facil...Read full

When was the national bank for agriculture and rural development founded?

Ans:- The national bank for agriculture and rural development was founded...Read full

How do I apply for a NABARD subsidy?

Ans:- Subsidy claims will only be accepted online by NABARD beginning October 23rd, 2019. If a bank encounters actua...Read full