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Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

The MIGA is an international organisation, miga guarantees to protect investments and stimulate the economy in developing nations by insuring against political and economic uncertainty.

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, or MIGA, is an international organisation that encourages large-scale foreign investment in developing nations. MIGA guarantees protect investments specialises in supporting high-risk investments in low-income nations and promoting socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable enterprises. MIGA is headquartered in Washington, DC, and is a member of the World Bank Group, with 25 developed and 157 developing nations as of May 2020. It is run by a Council of Governors, with the Executive Vice President as its chairman (Hiroshi Matano as of December 2019). The agency aims to assist economic growth, eliminate poverty, and enhance people’s lives by encouraging foreign direct investment into developing nations.

What Does MIGA Do?

MIGA provides several services to promote foreign direct investment. Risk insurance against currency exchange limitations, the onset of hostilities or wars, enforced expenditure limits, and associated constraints on corporate resources are examples.

MIGA guarantees protect investments services to develop nation governments and offer political risk insurance to firms interested in investing in emerging countries. The group provides advice on the policies and processes that these governments should implement and the most effective approaches for these nations to attract international investment. MIGA’s other offerings include licensing agreements, marketing, and technological assistance.

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency provides a variety of services

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency specialises in political risk insurance, which protects investments from political instability, civil conflicts, and terrorism. It protects foreign direct investment projects from non-commercial hazards in various industries, including agriculture, banking, stock institutions, infrastructure, electricity and renewable energy, solid waste management, telecommunications, tourism, and transportation. It gives investors and lenders more confidence in the safety and returns on their investments. MIGA, like any other insurance company, charges investors an insurance premium. The institution also provides advice to governments on effectively attracting and maintaining private investment, allowing for rapid and sustained economic growth. Licensing, franchising, and technological support are among the company’s offerings. miga guarantees protect investments It also aims to bring value to its clients by providing them with vast knowledge of emerging markets worldwide.

Documentation For Clients And Final Application

Next, to find out the criteria for eligibility the customer must submit a Definitive Application (MIGA’s underwriting team will give the paperwork) in the following step. MIGA undertakes a thorough examination of the project after receiving the full Definitive Application. The project sponsors must submit supporting documents, which we check to ensure that the initiative complies with MIGA’s standards and procedures. MIGA may include the following items in the applying for MIGA guarantee coverage we require to commence the official underwriting process:

  • A feasibility study or a business plan demonstrates the project’s economic viability and financial soundness.

  • Financial model/forecast

  • All loan documentation, including shareholder and non-shareholder loans (draughts are permissible during underwriting) and all loan-related papers.

  • Guarantees on all loans (including back-stop guarantees from parent companies)

  • The investor’s financial statements and the project enterprise’s formation documents/by-laws in the host nation

  • If necessary, get environmental permissions or conduct an environmental impact assessment.

  • Agreements for the purchase or lease of land

  • All additional project-related licences, permits, agreements, and contracts

The Criteria for Eligibility

To find out the criteria for eligibility MIGA covers cross-border investments made into developing participating countries by investors from MIGA member countries. In some situations, the agency may also cover an investment made by a national of the host country, as long as the funds come from outside.

Corporations and financial institutions that are either incorporated in a member country and have their primary place of business there, or are majority-owned by nationals of member nations, are eligible for coverage. If a state-owned corporation works on a commercial basis, it is qualified. If the investment is made commercially, a non-profit organisation may be qualified.

MIGA Guarantee Coverage

MIGA provides insurance to cover five categories of non-commercial risks:

  • Currency inconvertibility and transfer restrictions

  • Government expropriation

  • War, terrorism, and civil unrest

  • Contract breaches

  • Financial commitments not being honoured

Applying for miga guarantee coverage in MIGA will include equity, loans, shareholder loans, and shareholder loan guarantees, among other things. The agency may also insure investments such as management contracts, asset securitization, bonds, leasing operations, franchise agreements, and licencing agreements. Depending on the nature and conditions, the agency can provide insurance coverage for up to 15 years with a possible five-year extension. 


MIGA, a Development Finance Institution, is a non-political organisation that serves as a multilateral financial institution, providing insurance to potential investors and facilitating their investments in developing countries. This guarantees that Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) find a home in practically all developing countries, regardless of their internal or external environment. Investors receive certainty, trust, and projected potential advantages. This achievement exemplifies the World Bank Group’s goals, including ensuring the long-term development of nations across the world. Applying for MIGA guarantee coverage works to create a healthy investment climate in developing countries by ensuring investments against various risks that are unique to developing countries, such as political risks and investment-related concerns.


Frequently asked questions

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How does the MIGA guarantee function?

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Is India a member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)?

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How many people are members of MIGA?

Ans. MIGA is headquartered in Washington, DC, and is a member of the World Bank Group, with 25 developed and 157 dev...Read full

What does MIGA stand for?

Ans. The World Bank Group includes the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Miga guarantees to protect investments its mission is to en...Read full