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Meaning, Functions, and Budget: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is India’s premier disaster management authority. The Disaster Management Act of 2005 was formed on September 27, 2006. NDMA establishes policies for disaster management in India. To deal with disasters in India, NDMA is in charge of creating policies, laying down guidelines and standards, and coordinating with State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs). State governments in India are responsible for disaster management. Establishing the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Armed Forces or Central Paramilitary Forces is the Central Government’s responsibility and assists the afflicted states. Let’s discuss more framing policies in detail. 

Framing Policies

The national framing policies were developed following extensive consideration and by the National Vision to establish a comprehensive, proactively, multi-disaster, or technology-driven strategy for DM to build a safe and disaster-resilient India. It will be accomplished by instilling a culture of disaster prevention and reduction, including preparedness, to provide a quick and effective reaction in the case of a disaster. The community will be at the core of the process, driven and sustained by the combined efforts of all government departments, including non-governmental organisations. 

The NDMA has taken a task strategy to translate this vision into policy and plans, encompassing many initiatives with the cooperation of numerous institutions at the national, state, and local levels. The participative and collaborative process of developing principles and regulations has incorporated central ministries, states, and other participants.

The International Plan toward Disaster Reduction, the Rio Declaration, the Millennium Development Goals, and even the Hyogo Framework 2005-2015 align with this policy framework. The following seem to be the themes that constitute this policy:

  • Coordination with national, regional, and even international agencies.

  • To create a multi-sectoral synergy, adherence and cooperation are required.

  • Community-based disaster management, with last policy, plans, or execute integrations.

  • Enhancement of capacity in all connected sectors.

  • Past projects and best practices are being consolidated.

Responsibilities and Functions

The NDMA, as the top authority, is responsible for establishing Disaster Management framing policies and strategies, including guidelines, to guarantee a quick and effective response to disasters. Its obligations in this regard are as follows:

  • Establish disaster management regulations.

  • The National Plan should be approved.

  • Evaluate plans developed by Government of India Ministries and Departments in conformity with the National Plan.

  • Lay down guidelines for the State Authorities to observe when drafting the State Plan.

  • Lay down guidelines for different Ministries or Departments of the Government of India to follow to incorporate disaster prevention or mitigation strategies into their development plans and initiatives.

  • Monitor the enforcement or fulfilment of the disaster management policies and strategies.

  • Suggest that money be made available for mitigation.

  • As decided by the Central Government, offer assistance to other countries affected by significant disasters.

  • Take any other steps it deems essential for disaster prevention, management, readiness, and building capacity in case of severe crisis scenarios or disasters.

  • Establish broad principles and regulations for the National Institute of Disaster Management’s activity.

State Disaster Management Authorities

By a Government announcement dated June 26, 2008, the State Disaster Management Authority was constituted within the state following section 14 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, with its Chief Minister as Chairman and eight additional members. It is also the state’s apex body for disaster management. A State Executive Committee, chaired by the Chief Secretary and composed of four additional Secretaries, too was established to support the State Disaster Management Authority in carrying out its duties. District Disaster Management Authorities were also established for effective disaster management in Districts, only with the Chairmanship of its Deputy Commissioners and Chief Executive Members of the District Councils being Co-Chairmen with 5 District Officials being members.

Functions of SDMA

Establishing a disaster management policy or a state disaster management plan and examining the state’s preparation, prevention, and reduction, including capacity-building strategies.


The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) appears to be an apex agency of the Indian government in charge of disaster management policy formulation. The Government of India established the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on December 23, 2005, through the Disaster Management Act. NDMA is in charge of developing framing policies(the national framing policies were developed following extensive consideration and by the National Vision to establish a comprehensive, proactively, multi-disaster, or technology-driven strategy for DM to build a safe and disaster-resilient India.), standards, and best practices for working with State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) to guarantee a comprehensive and dispersed disaster response.


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