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Major Headquarters and Organisation

List of all National and International Organizations and headquarters to ace all your competitive exams. Know in detail about India’s major headquarters.


Here you’ll discover a list of the most prominent organizations and their headquarters, as well as some helpful hints for remembering them. In India and around the world, there are numerous national and International organizations and headquarters. Among them, there are a few that are frequently asked in competitive exams.

Frequently, a few questions in the general knowledge section, or GA for tests, ask about the locations of prominent Indian and world organizations and headquarters. As a result, in this list, India’s Major headquarters and international organizations, and headquarters have been grouped. Furthermore, the reader will quickly associate the names, allowing for speedy learning. We hope you will find this list helpful in your forthcoming competitive tests.

In this article, we’ll go through which questions from this topic are asked on exams. Most crucially, this type of question, which asks for the locations or headquarters of Indian and international organizations, is a common occurrence in all MCQ-based tests. They are frequently asked in banking and insurance exams such as the IBPS, SBI, RBI, and others. 

However, throughout the previous decade, these topics have also appeared on UPSC, SSC, and UGC NET exam question sheets. With this perspective, the importance of this list for tests increases. Regularly reviewing this list will ensure that you are well prepared for your examinations in terms of GK. You should go through it again and again, and this list will assist you in obtaining easy points in any upcoming Competitive Exams.

India’s Major Headquarters and Organizations

  • Reserve Bank of India (RBI):

Founded: 1st April 1935

Location of Headquarters: Mumbai

RBI Governor: Shaktikanta Das

Objective: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s central bank, in charge of the issuance and supply of the rupee. It is also known as the Banker’s Bank because it regulates India’s banking sector.

  • Union Public Service Commission (UPSC):

Founded: 1st October 1926

Location of Headquarters: New Delhi

Chairperson: Arvind Saxena

Objective: It is in charge of conducting competitive tests to recruit candidates for government positions.

  • Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI):

Founded: 12th April 1992

Location of Headquarters: Mumbai

Chairperson: Ajay Tyagi

Objective: It acts as a regulator for India’s securities market.

  • National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD):

Founded: 12th July 1982

Location of Headquarters: Mumbai

Chairperson: Harsh Kumar Bhanwala

Objective: It is the leading organisation in charge of policy formulation and planning for rural India’s agricultural and other economic activities.

  • Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI):

Founded: 20th February 1997

Location of Headquarters: New Delhi

Chairperson: Ram Sewak Sharma

Objective: India’s apex body for managing telecommunication services, protecting both service providers’ and users’ interests.

World Organizations and Headquarters

  • United Nation Organization (UN):

Founded: 24th October 1945

Location of Headquarters: New York (US)

Secretary-General: Antonio Guterres

Objective: The United Nations is the most well-known international organisation in charge of preventing war and conflict worldwide. The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organisation with the aim of ensuring international peace and security, promoting friendly relations between nations, promoting international cooperation, and serving as a focal point for national initiatives.

  • United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF):

Founded: 11th December 1946

Location of Headquarters: New York (US)

Current Head: Henrietta H. Fore

Objective: UNICEF is a United Nations institution that helps children worldwide with humanitarian and developmental issues. The agency is one of the most well-known social welfare organizations globally, with a presence in 192 countries and territories. UNICEF’s objectives include immunization and disease prevention, as well as HIV treatment for children and women, boosting childhood and maternal nourishment, improving cleanliness, improving the quality of education, and delivering disaster relief.

  • World Health Organization (WHO):

Founded: 7th April 1948

Location of Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

Director-General: Tedros Adhanom

Objective: The World Health Organization (WHO) is a United Nations specialized agency responsible for international public health.

  • World Economic Forum (WEF):

Founded: January 1971

Location of Headquarters: Cologny, Switzerland

Director-General: Klaus Schwab

Objective: Determined to enhance the world’s position through influencing global, regional, and industrial agendas by engaging economic, governmental, scientific, and other leaders of society.

  • International Monetary Fund (IMF):

Founded: 27th December 1945

Location of Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States.

Chief Economist: Gita Gopinath

Objective: The International Monetary Fund is one of the most well-known international organizations; hence it’s on our list. It is a 190-country international financial institution based in Washington, D.C., that seeks to advance worldwide financial cooperation, safeguard economic security, promote international trade, encourage continued economic growth and decrease poverty in the world while dependent on World Bank resources 

  • World Bank:

Founded: July 1944

Location of Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States.

President: David Malpass

Objective: The World Bank is a multilateral financial institution that provides loans and grants to governments in low- and middle-income countries to help them finance capital projects. The organisation comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).

  • World Trade Organization (WTO):

Founded: 1st January 1995

Location of Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.

President: Robert Azevedo

Objective: The World Trade Body (WTO) is an intergovernmental organisation that regulates and promotes international trade. The World Commerce Organization (WTO) is the world’s largest international economic organisation, with 164 member states representing over 96 percent of global trade and GDP.


The list above of India and international organizations, headquarters, leaders, and years will help you ace your competitive exams. This will help you revise your study material quickly.