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The IBPS exam requires detailed knowledge about banking-related current affairs.

In the Indian banking sector, one of the most reputable and significant exams is IBPS MT and IBPS PO. In order to recruit efficient probationary officers and also some skilled management trainees for all participating banks, the IBPS exam is conducted. Another important part of the IBPS exam is IBPS SO which is important for selecting different specialist officers..    

Important facts regarding the IBPS 

Institution of Banking Personnel Selection, also known as IBPS is considered an important organization that helps in selecting efficient employees for banking and finance-related sectors. 

  • A fair process of selecting efficient employees is ensured by IBPS
  • This organization is found to begin in the year 1975 as an important self-governing agency of India.
  • This is a significant central recruitment agency in India.
  • Both the nationalized and the regional rural banks of India are included for consideration of this organization.
  • There are some important exams that are conducted every year by IBPS and these are IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS RRB Officer scale-I, IBPS RRB Officer scale II and III, IBPS RRB Officer Assistant. 
  • The exams, conducted by IBPS are important as they create different opportunities and open doorways for several young talents into the financial and banking sectors.
  • The exams of IBPS are considered by most of the government as well as private banks.
  • The eligibility criteria for a IBPS exam is the age of 20-30, a graduation qualification for any equivalent university.
  • Three major sections of an IBPS exam are quantitative aptitude, reasoning, and English.
  • An IBPS exam consists of three important parts. Two online written exams and a physical interview process.        

Importance of IPPB in the banking sector

IPPB is considered one of the most important parts of the banking sector in India. Department of post can be mentioned in which the IPPB is found to be managed. The main aim of IPPB is to provide opportunities to all citizens of India, for ensuring prosperity. Having access to bank services can help every individual to be more concerned about the nation’s economic concerns. In order to ensure financial security and empowerment, IPPB is found as influential and helpful. 

  • Post offices and postal employees are often found to play an important role in this process.
  • According to IPPB, customers of the banking sector are important. 
  • The services of IPPB depend on the sense of approachability. 
  • Besides that, considering an easy process of banking is another important consideration by IPPB
  • The services of post offices are properly managed and developed by effective considerations by IPPB. 
  • One of the most important landmarks of IPPB’s journey can be mentioned as the unveiling of DakPay.
  • A ‘Truly inclusive financial system’ is found to be considered also by IPPB to achieve its aim within the banking sector of India.    

Significant RBI news

The overall financial system of India is found to be efficiently regulated and supervised by the RBI (Reserve Bank of India). Support and confidence of citizens regarding the financial transaction are found to be acquired by different significant considerations of RBI. 

  • According to RBI news, national financial systems are handled by RBI.
  • In terms of protecting interest rates and providing effective and alternative banking options to the citizens of India, RBI plays an important role.
  • As per the detailed analysis of RBI news, RBI is regarded as the final and the only issuer of national currency.
  • RBI has released the framework of a payment system touch point that is connected to the geo-tagging procedure. This framework is developed to consider a more effective digital payment procedure.   


IBPS is considered to provide an important opportunity to eligible persons to provide services in the banking sector. In current affairs, banking-related information plays an important role. RRB (Regional Rural Banks) and most other public sector banks are included in the consideration of the IBPS exam and recruitment process. IPPB is regarded as important to ensure a beneficial revolution in the banking sector. Financial inclusion network regarding banking procedure is often found to be impacted by significant RBI news.   


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the BANK Examination Preparation.

What is the motto of IPPB?

Ans. The motto of IPPB can be identified as “Every customer is important, ev...Read full

What is the aspiration of IPPB?

Ans. The three most important aspirations of IPPB ...Read full

What is RBIH?

Ans: The full form of RBIH can be mentioned as the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub...Read full

What is the relevance of IBPS in the banking sector of India?

Ans:  The banking sector of India is found to be highly impacted by the process of IBPS. The main aim of this organ...Read full