Census is defined as systematically collecting, analyzing, and evaluating the information about an individual’s details like education, age, sex, religion, etc., and calculating the information collected in the form of percentages or whole numbers. In simple terms, it is the official survey of a state or a country to determine its growth and development in terms of literacy, mortality, rate of females etc.
Comparison of Census 2001 Madhya Pradesh to the Madhya Pradesh Census 2011
Categories | 2001 | 2011 |
Madhya Pradesh population (Approximately) | 6.03 Crores | 7.27 Crores |
Madhya Pradesh population (Actually) | 60,348,023 | 72,626,809 |
Madhya Pradesh population (Number of females) | 28,904,371 | 35,014,503 |
Madhya Pradesh population (Number of males) | 31,443,652 | 37,612,306 |
Growth of population | 24.34% | 20.35% |
Sex Ratio | 919 | 931 |
Sex Ratio of children | 932 | 918 |
Density/mi2 | 507 | 610 |
Density/ km2 | 196 | 236 |
Area (km2) | 308,245 | 308,252 |
Area (mi2) | 119,014 | 119,017 |
Literacy rate | 63.74% | 69.32% |
Male Literacy Rate | 76.06% | 78.73% |
Female Literacy Rate | 50.29% | 59.24% |
Overall child population (0-6 years of age) | 10,782,214 | 10,809,395 |
Out of the overall child population female population (0-6 years of age) | 5,202,367 | 5,173,223 |
Out of the overall child population male population (0-6 years of age) | 5,579,847 | 5,636,172 |
Number of total literate in Madhya Pradesh population | 31,592,563 | 42,851,169 |
Out of the total number of literate, female literate are | 11,920,289 | 17,676,841 |
Out of the total number of literate, male literate are | 19,672,274 | 25,174,328 |
Religious Data as Per Census 2001 Madhya Pradesh
As per the census 2001 Madhya Pradesh, 91.5% of the total population which was 6 crore at that time comprises Hindus. In Madhya Pradesh according to the census of 2001, there were 6.3% of Muslims among the total population that was recorded at that time, the percentage of the Christian population from the total population was 0.28% or in number, it was over 1.7 lakh. In the census of 2001, the Sikhs were 1.50 lakh in number at that time and the percentage was 0.24%. Buddhists and Jain in Madhya Pradesh are among the minority community of religion, there were 2 lakh Buddhists in the year 2001 which was in percentage about 0.34% of the total population of the state. In the census of 2001 Jain showed up almost 0.90% of the total population of the state.
Religious Data as Per Madhya Pradesh Census 2011
As per the Madhya Pradesh census 2011, 90.89% of the total population of 7.26 crore comprises Hindus, so the majority was Hindu in the year 2011. There were 6.57% Muslims at that time among the total Madhya Pradesh population. The percentage of the Christian population from the total Madhya Pradesh population was 0.29%. According to the census of 2011 in Madhya Pradesh, the percentage of Sikhs was 0.21% of the total population. Buddhists and Jain were again among the minority in the 2011 census of Madhya Pradesh, 0.30% were the Buddhists and 0.78% were the Jain among the population of 7.26 crore. Other religions comprised 0.83% in total and the religions which were not stated were 0.13%.
It is to conclude that in Madhya Pradesh, the literacy rate among males and females still has a difference of almost 20% in both the census of 2001 and 2011. The female population is also less than the male population in both the census of 2001 and 2011 Madhya Pradesh. There are a maximum number of Hindus residing in the parts of Madhya Pradesh.