Local Government

In this article, we will discuss the local governments and their functions. We will also look at the three levels of government and the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments.

The local government is the lowest tier of government in India which is made to look at and solve the problems of any specific local area constituting a subdivision of a major state or nation. 

The basic functions of local government are :

  • To keep a look at the maintenance of law and order in its specific area. 

  • To improve the standard of the health facilities.

  • Their basic function is to maintain and construct the feeder road and drainages. 

The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments have a great significant role in providing recognition and power to the local governments. Let’s discuss 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments in detail :

73rd and 74th constitutional amendments 

Let’s discuss some features of 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments.

 Narsimha Rao passed the 73rd constitutional amendments act in 1992. It came into effect on 24 April 1993. Its main features were :

  • This amendment act resulted in the establishment of Panchayati Raj institutions in India. 

  • After this act, it became compulsory for each state to have panchayats in their territories. 

  • Article 243-G made it mandatory for the state governments to devolve powers, responsibilities and authority to the panchayats.

  • The 73rd constitutional amendments passed the order to The gram panchayats to have a fixed tenure of 5 years.

74th constitutional amendments: The 74th constitutional amendment was passed to make it mandatory to set up and devolution of union and state power to local government. This constitutional amendment act passed in 1993  was launched on the premises that all power belongs to the people. 

The constitution (Seventy Fourth Amendment) Act, 1992 has launched a new part, Part IXA in the Constitution. It is introduced to handle the municipalities’ issues, especially for devolution of union and state power to local government.

Some of the provisions made under the 74th constitutional amendment are 

  • It provides three types of urban Local governance bodies or municipalities to the constitution. These are Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Council, and Municipal Corporation.

  • The Zila Parishad will be responsible for planning and allocating resources at the district level for the Panchayati Raj institutions.

  • All the audit and accounts related matters like maintenance of the accounts of the municipalities will be done on the basis of provisions provided by the state law. 

Hence, 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments have the most crucial role in establishing and empowering the local governments. 

Level of local government 

The local government entities can be classified into bodies.These are: 

  1. Urban local governance bodies: There are three types of democratically elected Urban local governance bodies. These elected bodies are known as municipalities (MC). The size of the population of the urban settlement decides the classification of these municipalities. Three elected Urban local governance bodies are :

  • Nagar Nigam is also known as a municipal corporation.

  • Nagar palika or municipal councils. 

  • Nagar panchayat is also known as a municipal committee. 

  1.  Rural local governance bodies: The government bodies elected democratically in villages are known as Panchayati raj institutions (PRIs). These institutions are hierarchically classified into three more tiers. These are :

  • Gram panchayat at the village level 

  • Zila Parishad at the district level 

  • Panchayat Samiti at the community block level.

The three levels of government In India 

India is a federal republic. And our government consists of three branches. These levels are:

Union government: Union government is the government at the central level created by the Constitution of India as the legislative, executive and judicial authority.

  • Legislative level: the legislative level of our government is responsible for making all laws, declaring war, regulating interstate and foreign commerce and controlling taxing and spending policies. It consists of two houses of Parliament. One is Rajya Sabha, and the other is Lok Sabha. 

  • Executive branch: The responsibility for the daily administration of the state bureaucracy lies in the hands of the executive level of government. 

  • Judiciary branch: The judiciary is the system of government that is responsible for the maintenance of all law and order. 

 State-level: The state of government is the government ruling at the state level. The state government is run by the respected Chief ministers of that state. 

Local government: Local government is the lowest tier of government in India which is made to look and solve the problems of any specific local area constituting a subdivision of a major state or nation. 


Our India is a federal republic with three levels of government: union, state and local government. Among the three unions or central government is the highest level of government and works on the Central level. The state government is responsible for state-related matters, and the last local government is the lowest tier of government in India which is made to look at and solve the problems of any specific local area constituting a subdivision of a major state or nation. To maintain the framework for urban local bodies, the Parliament enacted the Constitution (74th Amendment) Act, 1992, to establish the local governments 1992.


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Discuss the three tiers of rural local governance bodies.

Ans. Gram Panchayat: The Gram Panchayat is the level of local government set u...Read full

What are the features of local government?

Ans. The  features of local government are : ...Read full

What are the three main responsibilities of the local government?

Ans. Municipalities generally take responsibility for parks and recreation services, police and fire departments, ho...Read full

what do you mean by municipalities?

Ans. The democratically elected Urban local governance bodies are known as municipalities (MC).there are three such ...Read full