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Irrigation Projects of Chhattisgarh: Salient Features (Set-5)

The irrigation system is the process of watering land for cultivation in an unnatural way that can be said to be an artificial way of fulfilling the requirements of the soil. Irrigation plays a vital role in cultivating the crops as natural water is insufficient for agricultural lands. Irrigation system involves various kinds of origin of water such as wells, tube wells, canals, lakes, ponds and dams.

As the research says, most of the population of Chhattisgarh falls under rural areas; that is why the people living in the area depend upon agriculture for their livelihood. The changing weather of monsoon causes effects on the crops, basically paddy crops. Therefore the urge for more irrigation in Providence becomes very necessary for Chhattisgarh. This article is mainly described the irrigation projects of Chhattisgarh.

Irrigation Projects of Chhattisgarh: Salient features 

Irrigation projects are held over a small piece of land, occupying millions of hectares. The small irrigation projects of Chhattisgarh comprise cheaper pumping sources and small control structures. In contrast, a large irrigation project contains a huge reservoir with more storage area, larger dams, more than 100 km of canals and other required structures. As estimated in the report, it could be analysed that per capita surface water availability in Chhattisgarh is about 48,296 MCM which is the average annual per capita consumption of water. There are many medium and major Irrigation Projects of Chhattisgarh below.

Medium Irrigation Projects of Chhattisgarh

  • Banjar Medium Irrigation Project Chhattisgarh

  • Basin entails: Narmada

  • Type of project: Medium

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s Completed

  • Dhara Medium Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Medium

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

  • Chirpani Medium Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Medium

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

  • Paralkot Medium Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Godavari

  • Type of project: Medium

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

  • Shivnath Medium Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Medium

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

Given above are some of the examples of medium Irrigation Projects of Chhattisgarh.

Major Irrigation Projects of Chattisgarh

  • Tandula Major Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Major

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed

  • Pairi Major Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Major

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed

  • Mand Major Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Major

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

  •  Kodar Major Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Major

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

  • Jonk Diversion Major Irrigation Project

  • Basin entails: Mahanadi

  • Type of project: Major

  • Aim: Irrigation

  • Project status says it’s completed.

Given above are some of the examples of major Irrigation Projects of Chhattisgarh. 


The main objective of the projects is to improve the average annual per capita; it also improves the livelihood of the people living in that region and decreases the state of poverty by advancing the irrigation process, developing agricultural methods and improving the amount of water capacity. Hence, it also helps provide proper per capita surface water availability in Chhattisgarh. From 2007 to 2012, it was estimated that the irrigational potential increased up to 4,81,000 hectares in March. Moreover, the plan for raising funds was executed from the employment schemes like NREGA, which are sick of having a drought in their region. 

The irrigation potential consumption is defined as the total cultivated area irrigated through the project divided by the scheme under the consideration of agricultural area. The study shows that irrigation is the method through which water is supplied from various origins like rivers and wells and is used to develop cultivation. The region that can be strongly cultivated or irrigation depends on the resources like water and soil, which sums up the irrigation water needs and is estimated through cultivating methods and weather. India’s per Capita surface water availability of India is about 18,69,000 MCM, which is the average annual per capita consumption of the water overall. In Chhattisgarh, the rainfall mainly occurs reasonably, but there are some irregularities. Due to heavy rainfall uncertainty, the need for a reservoir becomes crucial. Thus, the projects are launched to provide the areas facing problems with the reservoir of the required size. It is also known that a major part of the Chhattisgarh comes under rural areas, so the need for irrigation becomes vital as the people only have agriculture as their source of income. Here irrigation fulfils the area’s proper needs and provides the soil with its required nutrients.


According to the content described above, the fundamental role of irrigation in Chhattisgarh is understood as it helps increase the per capita surface water availability in this region. It also provides required resources to the crops by artificially watering them. It can also be seen how major and medium projects launched by the government help create agricultural production in the region as it helps in making the use of irrigation in the area with infertile soil. Here, irrigation proved its main objectives to give a helping hand in the huge growth of crops, improve the landscape, and increase the cause of inaccurate rainfall.


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