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Summit is a term that has been derived from the Latin word "summum" meaning highest, and commonly provides an understanding of decisions seeking possible solutions.

Summits play a crucial part in assembling, in order to mitigate the ongoing issues and thereby, seeking or reaching a possible solution. In this study, an extensive study will be conducted that will support in determining an introduction to the importance that lies behind all the summits. In the study, further discussion will be made on defining what summits are and as well the world that has been conducted over the years to the present times. The problems may cater to economic, political or military, social as well as cultural problems. It is to be noticed that summits refer to several political principles as well as elements of institutions. Moreover, an effective discussion will be made on why meetings are referred to as summits.

An Introduction to all Important Summits

As we all know, summits refer to the meetings that are of prime importance in dealing with social, economic, environmental, cultural as well as political issues that need to be resolved on a basis of priority or urgency. They are commonly done in a diplomatic way of negotiating effectively releasing the pressure associated with the ongoing internal tensions. Moreover, it is as well acknowledged that summits refer to taking up agendas for a better nation and maintaining peace around the world. Several important summits are noticed, such as, “Indian Science Congress”, “Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit”, “G 20 Summit” and many more.

What is the meaning of summit?

The true meaning of summits refers to a meeting that is conducted to resolve prime issues that are basically hindering the successive growth and developments all around the world.  It needs to be acknowledged that, during the Cold War, the media has successfully labeled one-to-one meetings between the presidents of America with Soviets or China as summits. This has been done to provide the meeting crucial to mankind.

List of summits and conferences

Several summits and conferences are noticed in the nation as well as all over the world that happened recently from 2021 to 2022, some of which are as follows.

  • “Association of Southeast Asian Nation” in 2021,
  • 2020, “BRICS Summit”,
  • “Southasian Association for Regional Cooperation”, that happened in the year 2020,
  • “Shanghai Cooperation Organization” summit in the year 2021,
  •  “India Science Congress” in the year 2021 and many more.

World summits

It is to be noted that “world summits” refer to providing a macroscopic arena for dealing with necessary issues. The “world summits”, that may be better known as “The Earth Summit” caters to “decennial” meetings among the leaders of the world, that are successively organized with the support of “United Nations” since the year 1972. This meeting intends to have the purpose of promoting “sustainable development” on a global basis. It should be taken into consideration that this summit seeks to effectively protect the environment from degradation that seems to threaten the global climate. One such example of “world summit” is “Rio de Janeiro” that has taken place in Brazil.

Importance of summits

Coming this far in the study it is well understood that the summits are of prime importance and they cater to provide evidence associated with the significant developments of cultures present all over the world concerning the environment. The “Earth Summit ” is of prime importance symbolically as these summits aim at effectively demonstrating the collective capacity in terms of management. 

What is a world summit concerning sustainability in development?

With respect to sustainable development, “The World Sustainable Development Summit” refers to an event of annual flagship under TERI. This summit was earlier known to be the summit for “Delhi Sustainable Development”. This summit caters to delve into global issues that concern the world.


In concluding the study, an effective exploration has been conducted that has catered for providing a better view of the in-depth knowledge about the notions of summits both on micro as well as macroscopic levels. Moreover, the nations have also been discussed that caters to the history for the use of the word summit instead of meetings. This results in providing evidence that the media has labeled the one-to-one meeting among the presidents of America as China or the Soviet. This has been done in order to provide utmost importance to those meetings that have resulted in the cessation of the initiation of third world war. Nowadays the term summit is notably used for crucial meetings in order to mitigate present issues and seek effective solutions to them.


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Name some summits that were held in the year 2021.

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