Bank Exam » Bank Exam Study Materials » General Awareness » INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS


The article will provide a brief insight into the world’s major and largest International Organisations, their respective functions, and other relevant details. Before this, we will understand the meaning of International Organisations, the reasons behind their establishment, and the important role they play in the contemporary world.

An International Organisation is an entity that is established by legal political agreements between member nations or countries possessing prominent international treaties. The main purpose behind setting up such organisations is to ensure security, stronger interpersonal relationships, broader trade opportunities, and give a firm voice to international issues. They are supportive of establishing and maintaining standards that aim to guarantee safety, peace, and economic security within the countries. This is a broader meaning of International organisation.

There are mainly two forms or types of international organisations. They can be categorized as follows:

▪ International Governmental Organisations;

  1. It refers to an association of states that are set up by an agreement to achieve the aims of the member states/nations.
  2. It has a separate legal entity from its member states.
  3. It has the ability and authority to enter into legally enforceable agreements.

Example: The United Nations.

▪ International Non-Governmental Organisations:

  1. It is composed of private nationals.
  2. They cannot enter into treaties or other legally enforceable agreements.

Example: The World Wildlife Fund.

Largest International Organisations:

  1. United Nations Organisation (UN):

▪ It has its headquarters in New York, United States.

▪ It was instituted on October 24th, 1945.

▪ Antonio Guterres is the secretary-general of the United Nations.

▪ Its key responsible duty is to prevent war and conflict between the nations of the world as a whole.

▪ It ensures security and peace, facilitate international cooperation and coordination, and also promotes a cordial relationship between the nations.

  1. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF):

▪ It has its headquarters in New York, United States.

▪ It was established on December 11th, 1946.

▪ Henrietta H. Fore serves as the present head of the organisation.

▪ It provides humane and progressive aid to the world’s child population.

▪ Initiatives such as prevention of ailing diseases and immunization are taken up as key duties.

▪ It provides solutions for HIV treatment for people across the world, helps in boosting maternal and children’s nutrition ensures safe and clean sanitation facilities and also educates the people around the world.

  1. World Health Organisation (WHO):

▪ It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

▪ It was established on April 7th, 1948.

▪ Tedros Adhanom is the director-general and also serves as the present head of the organisation.

▪ It is responsible for maintaining the overall health of people around the world.

  1. World Economic Forum:

▪ It has its headquarters in Cologny, Switzerland.

▪It was established in January 1971.

▪ Klaus Schwab serves as the current head of the institution.

▪ It aims at maintaining the economic status of the world by influencing the countries around the globe.

  1. International Monetary Fund:

▪ It has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., United States.

▪ It was instituted on December 27th, 1945.

▪ Lead Economist, Gita Gopinath serves as the current head of the organisation.

▪ To provide assistance in promoting monetary cooperation worldwide, facilitate high employment, and also reduce poverty in different parts of the world contributing to the development of the nations.

  1. World Bank:

▪ It has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., United States.

▪ It was instituted in July 1944.

▪ David Malpass serves as the present head.

▪ It takes the form of an agency where the lending of money to the governments of the middle and low-income states is put into effect which provides funds for capital projects within the nations.

  1. World Trade Organisation:

▪It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

▪ It was constituted on January 1, 1995.

▪ Roberto Azevedo serves as the current head of the organisation.

▪ It facilitates and regulates international trade, i.e., Exports and Imports which improves the economic flow of goods and services between the nations.

  1. United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organisations (UNESCO):

▪ It has its headquarters in Paris, France.

▪ It was established on November 16th, 1945.

▪ Audrey Azoulay serves as the current head of the organisation.

▪ It is responsible for maintaining peace and security through cooperation in science, culture, and education internationally.

  1. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC):

▪ It has its headquarters in Kathmandu, Nepal.

▪ It was instituted on December 8th, 1985.

▪ Esala Weerakoon serves as the present head.

▪ Members include- India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and the Maldives.

  1. Association of South East Nations:

▪ It has its headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia.

▪ It was instituted on August 8th, 1967.

▪ Lim Jock Hoi Mon serves as the present head.

▪ It aims at gearing up the growth of different economies of the world through cultural and social development.


Among the above-stated large international organisations, the United Nations is the largest and the most powerful intergovernmental organisation. It has a broader presence concerning the other institutions. However, every such governmental and non-governmental organisation has its prominent importance in their respective key areas.


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