Bank Exam » Bank Exam Study Materials » General Awareness » INDIAN SERVICE SECTOR: AN INTRODUCTION


India's services sector had historically served its country's economy well, contributing to about 6a 0percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The finance sector is a significant contributor in this respect.

The Indian government has implemented measures to liberalise, regulate, and improve this business. At the moment, India’s capital market is undeniably among the most active in the world. Although challenges continue, the sector’s future appears promising. The advance of technology also has benefited the industry’s expansion. According to a survey from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) & Google India, digital channels will affect around 75% of insurance plans sold by 2020 in one way or another during the pre-buy, purchase, or renewal processes.

The soft sectors of the economy, including insurance, administration, tourist, banking, retailing, education, & social services, make up a service industry. People with soft-sector jobs use the time to launch knowledge assets, collaborate assets, & engage in processes to increase productivity, effectiveness, & performance improvement potential. The service sector includes providing services to both enterprises and end-users. Transportation, distribution, & sale of commodities from a manufacturer to a customer, as in wholesale markets, or the provision of services, just like in pest treatment or entertainment, are examples of services. Inside the restaurant sector or in equipment maintenance, goods may be converted within the process of offering a service. 


India’s services sector remains the country’s economic engine, accounting for 53 per cent of the country’s Gross Value Added on today’s costs during FY22. Between Rs. 68.81 trillion (US$ 1,005.30 billion) in FY16 through Rs. 101.47 trillion (US$ 1,439.48 billion) in FY20, India’s services sector GVA expanded at a CAGR of 11.43 per cent to Rs. 101.47 trillion (US$ 1,439.48 billion). Financial, real estate, & professional services grew at a CAGR of 11.68 per cent (in Rs. values) during FY16 through FY20, while commerce, hotels, transportation, communication, & broadcasting services grew at a CAGR of 10.98 per cent (in Rs. terms).

By 2025, the Indian market for IT & business services is expected to reach US$ 19.93 billion.

Exports of services account for a large portion of India’s overall exports. According to the Reserve Bank of India, India’s service exports were US$ 117.6 billion from April to September 2021, while imports totalled US$ 65.20 billion.

The Purchasing Managers’ Indicator (PMI) was 51.8 in February 2022, up from 51.5 in January 2022.

In September 2021, the Indian Services Company Activities Index/ Nikkei/IHS Markit Service Purchasing Managers’ Index was 55.2, down from 56.7 in August 2021.

The Purchasing Managers’ Indexes (PMI) was 51.8 in February 2022, up from 51.5 in January 2022.


The third layer of the three-sector economy is the service industry, sometimes known as even the tertiary sector. This industry produces services such as repair & maintenance, training, & consulting rather than products. Housekeeping, touring, nursing, & teaching are instances of service industry employment. Individuals working in the production and manufacturing sectors, on the other hand, create physical things such as automobiles, clothing, and equipment.

The USA, UK, Great Britain, Australia, & China are among the countries which place a strong focus just on the service industry. The Institution for Supply Management (ISM) in the United States publishes a monthly index that summarises the level of economic activity inside the service sector. So because the service industry accounts for almost two-thirds of all economic activity in the United States, this index is used as a gauge of the growth of the economy’s health. 


While India is in the top ten WTO members in terms of service exports & imports, its growth and exports are slower than those of China, as exports were competitive in just a few services and also in a few markets. The majority of India’s poor lack access to fundamental services like health care & education, plus infrastructure is inadequate, resulting in high service delivery costs. Although India aspires to become a knowledge hub, there’s also a lack of consistency in educational quality and standards, & formal schooling does not guarantee employment. Policy measures for inclusive growth are proposed, as well as steps to improve India’s international competitiveness in services. 


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