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Economy of Uttar Pradesh

The write-up is based on the introduction about the Economy of Uttar Pradesh and then comes the body that involves the illustration about the same i.e. the economy of Uttar Pradesh is the third largest of all the states of India, GDP growth- - 6.4% (2020-21 est.), Uttar Pradesh GDP, etc., a conclusion and some FAQs.

Uttar Pradesh: The economy is the third largest of all the states of India. Rs. 17.05 trillion which is US $222 billion is the minimal GDP for the year 2020-2021 of Uttar Pradesh announced by the Government of India’s Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Unlike the third largest of all states of India Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra is the largest state of India having an urban population of 5,08,18,259 based on minimal GDP. The urban population of Uttar Pradesh is 4,44,95,063 and as per the census of 2011, Uttar Pradesh has 22.76% population living in urban areas. 

The Economy of Uttar Pradesh

The Indian government’s Ministry of Statistics and Programmeimplementation announced that the minimal GDP for the years 2020-2021 is Rs. 17.05 trillion. Uttar Pradesh economy: the third largest of all the states of India has 7 cities within it and each city contains 10 lakh people. In the year 2000, Uttarakhand was separated from Uttar Pradesh and the economic output of the newly formed Uttar Pradesh is 92% more than the old Uttar Pradesh. As per the estimation of the Planning Commission of the year 2011-12, the percentage of poor among the total population is 29.4% in Uttar Pradesh, which is the third largest of all the states of India. But those estimates were updated by the NITI Aayog which is based on NFHS-4 in the years 215-1016, the percentage of poor population among the total population of Uttar Pradesh was found to be 37.79%. As it is known that the economic state of Uttar Pradesh is the third largest of all the states of India so the Uttar Pradesh GDP ranks the 3rd position. The Uttar Pradesh GDP growth- -6.4% (2020-21 est.) that is the GDP growth declined. The GDP per capita income of Uttar Pradesh in the years 2020-2021 is Rs. 65,431 and the rank of GDP per capita income is 28th. The GDP of Uttar Pradesh in different sectors according to the estimation in the years 2019-2020 were Industrial sector of 23%, Agricultural sector of (23%) and services of 50%. The Human Development Index (HDI) was increased in the year 2019 by 0.594. The unemployment rate increased as per the estimation in the year 2021 of December by 4.9%. The main industries in Uttar Pradesh that are involved in the economic growth of the state are IT industries, farming industries, IT Consulting, textile industries, fishing and farming industries, livestock industries, automobile industries, electronics industries, advertising industries, leather industries, infrastructure industries, Gold market, Brass industries, pottery, construction industries and so on. The public debt in the years 2020-2021 est. is 28% of the GSDP. The budget balance for the years 2020-2021 est. is Rs. -53,195 crore which is in the US $ -7.0 billion i.e. 2.97% of GSDP. The revenues of Uttar Pradesh in the year 2020-2021 est. is Rs. 4.25 lakh crore which is in the US $56 billion and lastly, the expenses of Uttar Pradesh are almost Rs. 5.50 lakh crore which is the US $72 billion in the year 2021-22 est. 


It is to conclude that the state named Madhya Pradesh located in India is the third-largest of all states of India in respect to the economy. It is a state that is rich in agriculture, minerals, fuels, biodiversity, natural resources, etc. Uttar Pradesh is the most liked and favored tourist spot in India as the Taj Mahal remains the main attraction of tourists. The largest food grains producers are from Uttar Pradesh. In the year 2016-2017 Uttar Pradesh produced 17.83% of the total food grain production in India.


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