Bank Exam » Bank Exam Study Materials » General Awareness » Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

What is a mutual fund’s investment? What are the disadvantages of mutual funds in India? Learn about the overall disadvantages of balanced mutual funds.


Mutual funds investments put money into the shared capital of shareholders in different asset classes following the purpose of mutual funds with the target of capital recognition. It is promoted as an effective option to direct capital investment and a capital manager manages the invested money. 

Mutual funds investment adds great value to a financing portfolio disregarding whether someone is investing for the first time or seasonally. However, this is since the investors take risk appetite along with the purpose of the investment providing the objectives of accomplishing the shareholder’s aim. 

Major disadvantages of Mutual Funds in India 

  1. Premium Cost: Every launch includes the highest cost in the globe. Identically, mutual funds comprise premium costs also in the structure of expense proportion. The ratio of expense covers investment management charges, sales and marketing expenses, etc. Moreover, a high-cost ratio directly hampers investors’ portfolio returns. However, “index funds” are considered to have a lower cost ratio. Investors who are willing to desire a low-cost ratio can fund it.
  2. Misapply of Management Board: Some investment managers may needlessly churn the profile. Profile churning consists of constant stock purchasing and selling. 
  3. High-profile churning grows taxes and various expenses. This decreases portfolio returns. Persistent churning causes investors’ fund managers to make less effective decisions regarding investment which stimulates substantial losses. 
  4. Exit Load: investment house provides a penalty charge called Exit load on reclamation before a particular period. various types of investment carry multiple exit load duration:
    • Liquid investments contain an exit load time of seven days
    • Debt investments consist of exit load duration of thirty days to 540 days, while equity investments consist of an exit load duration of 1 year
  5. Over-Diversity: Diversification is considered an effective weapon. While it decreases risk, it dilutes revenue gathered by the shareholder. At a time investment managers fund several asset classes. Hence, this is popularly known as over-diversification. Investors must do a target-based accounting strategy before funding to ignore this.

Discussing disadvantages of direct Plan mutual fund: 

Distinguishing and evaluating mutual fund accomplishment and correlating it with the purchase technique is deemed to be most acceptable for the investors’ requirement along with additional action and awareness than a Regular scheme. Being an independent investor, it is quite impossible to monitor all the investments regularly. In this case, direct mutual funds investment requires regular monitoring, or else it affects the return benefits.

Direct investments can be challenging for new investors. Direct investments need investigations such as schemes of mutual funds, how old mutual funds are, the market reputation of the mutual fund in terms of the economic ratios, and more professional comprehension to get the right outcome.

To maintain all above the facts is a bit of a challenge for a new investor with a direct plan. But with time and market understanding can help an investor to get along with this 

Discussion on disadvantages of balanced mutual funds: 

Hidden risk: balanced mutual funds are also risky since their capital component particularly when the most assets are assigned to stocks.  

Reduced control: There is restricted authority over the option of investments or the equity to be allocated to a specific stock.

Overpriced fees: The charges involved perhaps often are more compared to investing in various mutual funds. The fees allotted by them build balanced funds, under usable alternatives for various investors.

Sterile returns: balanced fund offers the return to experienced investors for experienced investors which is not very attractive and such investments stimulate missing out of the hopeful capital market.  


Therefore, the above-mentioned facts reflect overall disadvantages regarding mutual funds investment. Though mutual funds are considered a potential investment for capital growth with that fact, investors should consider the downfalls of mutual funds. Investors should evaluate which mutual is suitable for investment and what are the outcomes. 

In this study, a brief idea has been provided regarding direct mutual funds investment. Diversification of capital, high-cost investment, and mainly lock-in-time are the important disadvantages of mutual funds in India. This article also concludes that outcomes are lesser than equity investment for balanced mutual funds. Mutual funds investors should consider their requirements and risk factors before investing any.