Bank Exam » Bank Exam Study Materials » General Awareness » A Short Note on Benefits of Equity Funds

A Short Note on Benefits of Equity Funds

The benefits of Equity Funds or losses in the portfolio impact the Net Asset Value of your fund (NAV). These investments are safe. They help in savings for the long run without risk and more.

Mutual funds are becoming a popular investment instrument for various reasons, the most important of which is their capacity to provide good returns compared to other traditional types of investment. When it comes to attractive returns, equity funds, a type of mutual fund, take the cake.  There are great benefits of Equity funds, and, as a result, they are the most sought-after of all mutual fund types. Equity funds and shares are widely confused. The fluctuations in the market affect both, but they are not alike in nature and returns. 

Equity Mutual Fund Taxation

To create profits, an equity mutual fund taxation invests heavily in the stocks of several firms. Higher percentage of risk is involved in these, much more than other investment options available in India. Furthermore, equity funds are “not one-size-fits-all.” Several examples of equities funds, each with its investing aim, must be matched to your risk tolerance.

The taxation rules vary from time to time based on the changes in related statutes. The IT department has sole authority regarding these matters. 

Benefits of Equity Funds

People invest in different plans for setting aside their money for the future. The benefits of such equity funds are as follows – 

  • Capital growth – Equity funds are one of the strongest financial strategies for helping investors fight inflation. If the price of stocks rises, investors will be able to observe an increase in their capital. Long-term investments in equity funds can help individuals acquire a significant amount of money.
  • Easy on the wallet – Equity mutual fund investments may be made through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), allowing investors to contribute as little as Rs.500 each month. Each month, this sum is withdrawn from the investor’s account. SIPs are one of the greatest strategies to invest in equity funds since they assist in mitigating stock market volatility.
  • Portfolio diversification – When investors participate in an equity mutual fund, they gain exposure to various stocks. As a result, even if some stocks in the portfolio are underperforming, the investor will benefit from the performance of other stocks. In this approach, equity funds assist investors in diversifying their portfolios.
  • Tax advantages – Investors can benefit from tax advantages by investing in equity-linked securities, or ELSS, as described in the preceding section. By investing in these funds, investors can receive a tax rebate of up to Rs.1.5 lakh on their taxable income, lowering their tax liability.
  • Professionally managed – Equity funds are managed by fund managers who study the market, analyse company performance, and then invest in the best-performing stocks to provide the highest returns to the client.
  • Easy to liquidate – one of the benefits of equity funds is that the Units of equity funds can be redeemed at any moment at the corresponding NAVs, providing the investor with liquidity. ELSS plans are an exception since investors cannot redeem the units until the lock-in period expires. When the market falls, equity mutual funds allow investors to acquire additional units at lower NAVs (Net Asset Value).

Examples of equity funds

Some of the most common examples of equity funds available in India are as follows – 

  • Small-cap Equity Mutual Funds

This is one of the examples of equity funds. These are beneficial if the firm has a market capitalization of more than $250 million (as per SEBI guidelines). These funds are riskier than mid- or large-cap equity funds, although they can provide better returns. 

  • Mid-cap Equity Funds

They help save the financial resources in firms with market capitalizations ranging from 101 to 250. These funds are less hazardous than small-cap funds but riskier than large-cap funds.

  • Large-cap Equity Mutual Funds

They try to collaborate only with firms with market capitalizations ranging from one hundred billion dollars. These funds are thought to be the least risky in terms of equity fund selection. Their maximum exposure to such stocks is 80% of total assets.

  • Equity Funds for Large and Mid-Cap Companies

These  types of funds can serve the exact purpose and help you get substantial returns by allocating evenly between large- and mid-cap equity and associated assets. The required minimum exposure to large-cap and mid-cap equities is 35% of total assets.

These were the most important and can be prominently found in the Indian region. The trading limits are set as per market fluctuations.


The investment procedures are quite risky and should be dealt with vigilantly. There may also be fees associated with selling certain shares inside the fund, which brokers may pass on. This involves understanding the equity fund’s purpose and matching it to your risk tolerance. The investment strategy follows the asset allocation of the fund. Last but not least, you should be aware of the fund’s expenditure ratio since it may influence results.All the related terms and conditions should be checked thoroughly before proceeding. Unless this is followed, financial losses cannot be prevented. 


Frequently asked questions

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Can we access our equity money at any time?

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