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A Brief note on Indian Banking System

Summary of Indian Banking System.Its Features/characteristics, its meaning and its importance of the Indian Banking System in India.

Banks and banking in India have been classified into various groups. In its activities, each group has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. They have their own distinct target audience. Some work exclusively in the rural sector, while others work in both rural and urban settings. The majority of them only serve cities and major towns.

The banking industry is one of the most essential financial pillars of the financial sector, and it is critical to the economy’s functioning. It is critical for a country’s economic development that its trade, industrial, and farm funding needs are handled with greater commitment and responsibility. As a result, a country’s progress is inextricably related to the development of banking. In today’s economy, banks should be viewed as development leaders rather than money merchants. They play a crucial role in deposit mobilization and credit disbursement to many sectors of the economy.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), commercial banks, cooperative banks, and development banks comprise India’s banking system (development finance institutions). The core of India’s financial system is these institutions, which serve as a meeting point for savers and investors. Banks play a vital role in the development of poor countries by mobilizing resources and efficiently allocating them.

The features of the Indian banking system:

  1. Deals with Money

A bank’s main characteristic is that it handles all financial transactions. You can put your money in a bank account, for example, to store it safely, and you will be interested in the money you save in the account.

  1. Provides Loans

Banks gain additional money by providing loans for a variety of products. The bank earns the additional funds by lending money to the qualifying person at predetermined rates.

Banks now provide loans for a variety of purposes, including study loans, vehicle loans, housing loans, personal loans, and so on.

  1. Withdrawal and payment facilities

Customers can use a bank’s numerous payment and withdrawal services to receive their money quickly and easily. Customers can use cheques and draughts to withdraw money, as well as ATMs established by banks at various sites throughout the city.

  1. Internet services

Modern banks now provide internet services, which is another element of a bank. The growth of the internet and its integration into the banking industry has made it even easier for customers to do numerous transactions. Through their apps, banks are providing online services. You can pay your bills, buy groceries, and shop without having cash on you.

  1. Business

Banking’s sole purpose is not to supply consumers with banking services. To make additional money, all banks are involved in subsidiary enterprises. Their only responsibility is to deliver optimum customer satisfaction and maximum interest rates in order to attract more clients to bank with them. To make a profit, money is moved from one hand to the next.

Indian banking system meaning

A banking system is a collection of institutions that provides us with financial services. These organizations are in charge of running a payment system, making loans, accepting deposits, and assisting with investments.

The importance of banking system in India

  • Insufficient capital formation makes economic development difficult in a country. Commercial banks are encouraging individuals to save their money and mobilize it for beneficial uses at this time.
  • Credit creation boosts output, boosting economic growth and, in turn, creating a large number of job prospects.
  • Commercial banks promote balanced regional development in India by providing the required financial infrastructure and money to backward areas.
  • By providing timely loans to agricultural farmers, commercial banks aid in the promotion of the primary sector.
  • They offer advanced loans to consumers for the purchase of assets such as residences, consumer goods, and furniture, among other things, and they encourage individuals to pursue a higher level of living.
  • The banking sector plays a significant part in the Indian economy, as commercial banks support the Indian government in achieving each aim of the country’s planned economic development.
  • For both internal and external trade, commercial banks offer the necessary financial backing and infrastructure.


A banking system is a collection of institutions that provides us with financial services. These organizations are in charge of running a payment system, making loans, accepting deposits, and assisting with investments. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), commercial banks, cooperative banks, and development banks comprise India’s banking system (development finance institutions). The core of India’s financial system is these institutions, which serve as a meeting point for savers and investors. Banks play a vital role in the development of poor countries by mobilizing resources and efficiently allocating them.


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