Types of Nouns

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, idea, or object. There are various types of nouns that act as a subject, direct or indirect object, adjective and nouns in a particular sentence.

Nouns are a larger part of English vocabulary, and there are various types of nouns. The noun refers to an individual, thing, place, or object. Nouns are classified into several types. Overall, ten types of nouns are present.

Nouns can be plural or singular. Nouns can be recognised by the ending of a word, the position of the word, or the function of a word. Types of nouns, types of nouns with examples, and their exercises are included in this article. 

Various noun types and exercises with examples will help understand the nouns well.

Recognition of nouns in the sentence:- 

It has been explained in a detailed manner, and some recognition patterns for the nouns. There are three ways by which nouns are recognised. As follow:-

  1. By its ending:- Mentality – “ity”, Serenity – “ity”
  2. Function in the sentence.
  3. Position in the sentence.


It’s ending. Likewise, personality recognises nouns. Also recognised by its position in the sentence, likewise a great relief. The function of a word also recognises it. Likewise, Doctors work in the hospital. Now we will look at the types of nouns with examples.

Various nouns are used in day-to-day life, whether the place’s name, animal, thing, proper noun, or singular nouns. We are not aware of it. Here, this article will help understand the concept of nouns, and the types of nouns, with examples. Person names or place names are considered proper nouns. All of these noun types with examples have been given below. 

As well as recognition of nouns has also been spotlighted in the earliest part. So that all information will gather in the same place. Because this information is helpful for those preparing for exams and who have a keen interest in the language and those who are not aware of the nouns knowledge and are willing to learn English grammar. 

Types of nouns and examples:-

  1. Common nouns:- Common nouns refer to the generic word that could be person, animal, place, or thing. For Example, the country is a common noun, but India is not a common noun because it is specific, not generic. When it appears at the start of the sentence, it is found as capitalised.
  2. Proper nouns:- Proper nouns are helpful in the specifications of place, person, or thing. It always appears in capital letters. Names and the title of the things are also known as proper nouns. For Example, KFC is a brand name, and Rachael is a personal name, Nigeria is the country’s name.
  3. Singular nouns:- It is referred to as one place, person, or thing, for example, house or dog.
  4. Plural nouns:- It is referred to as more than one thing, name, or place. Only “s” or “es” are added to make them plural nouns from a singular noun, for Example, dog- dogs, class- classes. Every noun does not follow this rule. They are termed irregular plural nouns. For Example, Woman-Women.
  5. Concrete nouns:- These are the words that can be derived from the five senses. Like, hear, see, taste, touch, and smell, which use concrete nouns.
  6. Abstract nouns are intangible ideas that can not show through the five senses as concrete nouns. Abstract nouns are political theories, social concepts, and character traits. Like, Anger.
  7. Collective nouns:- These nouns function as singular nouns but represent a group of people or a group of things. This noun is a group but functions as the same unit or performs the same action. For Example, a sum of money or a crowd.
  8. Compound nouns:- It combines two or more words to form one word. It can be a single word for multiple words used separately. For Example, hair cut, dry cleaning.
  9. Countable nouns:- Nouns that are countable. For example, ten pens and five cars.
  10. Uncountable nouns:- Nouns that are uncountable such as happiness, salt.

Examples of nouns in different types:-

  1. Radha is a good girl.
  2. Delhi is the capital of India.
  3. Rama killed Ravana.
  4. She has a thirst for knowledge.
  5. She got the medal for bravery.

Types of nouns, for example, worksheets help students understand the concept of nouns. This worksheet allows students to know the spelling rules while forming singular nouns into plural nouns. In this worksheet, students can cut the nouns boxes and paste them in the right place. This kind of exercise is included in these worksheets. There are various types of nouns worksheets are available online.


Nouns are the place, person, thing, animal, action qualities, states, or any non-living thing. There are a total of 10 types of nouns. This article tries to conclude all the types of nouns with examples, and worksheets. Types of nouns worksheets are available online..

Having details about the English language will help speak, and for those, it will be a great chance to help those who are preparing for competitive exams. Many questions on the topic of nouns are asked in competitive exams, so this article is helpful for that. They can also refer to online types of noun worksheets.


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