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Clarity on Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns show who or what owns something. There are seven types of possessive pronouns: my, your, his, her. Know more about it.

Do you ever have trouble knowing when to use a possessive pronoun? For example, when do you say “hers,” and when do you say “her’s”? It can be confusing! In this lesson, we will discuss possessive pronouns and provide some examples of how to use them correctly. We will also provide a worksheet so that you can practice using possessive pronouns correctly. Possessive pronouns are an important part of the English language, and it is important to understand how to use them correctly. Let’s get started!

What are pronouns?

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. There are different types of pronouns, including possessive pronouns.

What are possessive pronouns?

Possessive pronouns show who or what owns something. For example, in the sentence “The cat is scratching my leg,” the word “my” is a possessive pronoun. It shows that the cat belongs to me.

How many types of possessive pronouns?

There are seven types of possessive pronouns: my, your, his, her. Each type has a singular and plural form.

“My” is the possessive pronoun for things that belong to me. Your is the possessive pronoun for things that belong to you. His is the possessive pronoun for things that belong to him. Her is the possessive pronoun for things that belong to her.

The singular forms are my, your, his, and her. The plural forms are our, your, their. Notice that the possessive pronouns don’t have an apostrophe in them. That’s because the apostrophe is used to show possession (ownership). The possessive pronoun is the thing that owns the other thing.

For example, “The cat is sleeping on my bed.” The cat owns the bed. Therefore, “my” is the possessive pronoun in that sentence. Another example: “I am going to your house.” You own the house. Therefore, “your” is the possessive pronoun in that sentence.

Here are some more examples:

The dog is sleeping at his house.

The cat is sleeping on her bed.

The kids are playing with their toys.

Our teacher is helping us with our homework.

Notice that the possessive pronouns always come after the object that they are possessive of. In the examples above, the possessive pronouns are all at the end of the sentence.

Singular Possessive Pronoun:

The possessive pronoun shows who or what owns something. The possessive pronouns are my, your, his, her, its, and our. The possessive pronoun ‘mine’ shows that something belongs to the speaker. For example: “That is mine.”

The possessive pronoun ‘yours’ shows that something belongs to the person being spoken to. For example: “Is this yours?”

The possessive pronoun ‘hers’ shows that something belongs to the person being spoken to. For example: “That dress is hers.”

The possessive pronoun ‘its’ shows that something belongs to the thing being spoken about. For example: “The dog wagged its tail.”

The possessive pronoun ‘ours’ shows that something belongs to both the speaker and the person being spoken to. For example: “We went on a picnic, and ours was the best.

Plural Possessive Pronoun:

The possessive pronoun shows who or what owns something. The possessive pronouns are our, your, their, and its. The possessive pronoun ‘ours’ shows that something belongs to both the speaker and the person being spoken to. For example: “We went on a picnic, and ours was the best.

The possessive pronoun ‘yours’ shows that something belongs to the person being spoken to. For example: “Is this yours?”

The possessive pronoun ‘theirs’ shows that something belongs to the people being spoken about. For example: “The kids were excited about their new bikes.”

The possessive pronoun ‘it’s’ shows that something belongs to the thing being spoken about. For example: “The dog wagged its tail.”

Possessive pronouns are important because they make sentences clearer. Without possessive pronouns, it would be difficult to know who or what owns something. Possessive pronouns are also important because they help us avoid using the word ‘his’ or ‘her’ too many times in a sentence. Using possessive pronouns makes our writing more concise.


Possessive Pronouns can be confusing for students, but with a little practice and some clear explanations, they can become confident in using them correctly. With these tools in hand, your students will be able to clearly communicate their ideas and thoughts with ease. Possessive Pronouns are an important part of the English language, and it is essential that students understand how to use them correctly. 


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