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All About Common Noun

This article deals with Common Nouns, with reference nouns. It also deals with the difference between proper nouns & Common nouns and the types of common nouns.

What is the meaning of a common noun?

 A common noun signifies a type of noun that refers to a general category of things, rather than a specific individual thing. For example, “cat” is a common noun, while “Smokey” is a proper noun. Common nouns are sometimes also called “general nouns.” They contrast with proper nouns, which are the specific names of people, places, or things. For example, the common noun “teacher” can refer to any teacher, while the proper noun “Ms Smith” refers to a specific individual. There are many different types of common nouns, including concrete and abstract ones. In this article, we will discuss the definition of common nouns, as well as give some examples of them in use. We will also show you how to form plural and possessive forms of common nouns. Let’s get started!

What is a noun?

A noun is a term that refers to a specific person, place, thing, or concept. There are different types of nouns, and one of those types is the common noun. In this article, we will discuss what a common noun is, provide common noun examples in sentences, and end with a fun activity to help you better understand common nouns.

What are the types of nouns?

Nouns can be classified in several ways. One common way to classify nouns is by whether they are concrete or abstract. Concrete nouns are things that you can see, touch, smell, taste, or hear. Abstract nouns are ideas, feelings, or qualities. Another common way to classify nouns is by whether they are countable or uncountable. Countable nouns are things that can be counted, like “apple” or “person.” Uncountable nouns are things that can’t be counted, like “air” or “music.” Common nouns are one type of countable noun. A common noun denotes a word for a general, non-specific thing or person. For example, “city,” “car,” or “person” all come under the ambit of common nouns. Common nouns cannot be capitalized unlike other nouns unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.

What is the concept behind common nouns?

A common noun is a word that denotes a common place, thing, person, or concept. For example, the word “car” is a common noun because it represents all cars. The word “city” is a common noun because it represents all cities. Capitalization cannot be done under common nouns unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence. Here are some common noun examples in sentences:

I live in a small town.

He is going to the store.

She likes to read books.

As you can see, common nouns can be used to represent things, places, persons, or ideas. When you’re writing, be sure to use common nouns to make your writing more relatable. There are different types of common nouns like proper common nouns, material nouns, abstract nouns etc. Proper Common Noun: A proper common noun names a specific idea, place, person, or thing and is always capitalized. For example, the word “Susan” is a proper common noun because it names a specific person. The word “France” is a proper common noun because it names a specific place. Material Noun: A material noun is a word that represents a substance that something is made of. For example, the word “wood” is a material noun because it represents the substance.

How common nouns and proper nouns can be differentiated?

A common noun is a non-capitalized general name for a place, thing, or person. A proper noun is always capitalised and refers to a specific term for a person, place, or thing. Here are some examples of common nouns in sentences:

– We went to the store.

– I have a new car.

– common nouns are not capitalized

On the other hand, here are some examples of proper nouns in sentences:

– We went to Walmart.

– I have a new Ford Mustang. 

– Proper nouns are always capitalized.

As you can see, common nouns are more general while proper nouns are more specific. When in doubt, if you can substitute the word with a more generic one and the sentence still makes sense, then it is likely a common noun. For example, you could say “I have a new vehicle,” instead of “I have a new car.” When it comes to writing, common nouns are used more often than proper nouns. This is because common nouns can be applied to a wider range of people, places, and things. In contrast, proper nouns are only used when referring to a specific person, place, or thing. For example, you would only use the proper noun “Walmart” when referring to the specific store by that name. In conclusion, common nouns are more general while proper nouns are more specific. Common nouns are used more often than proper nouns in writing because they can be applied to a wider range.


Nouns are one of the important parts of communication. There are different types of nouns and the common noun is one of them. Common nouns are an important part of speech. They are generally used to name places, ideas, persons, and things. There are many different types of common nouns, and they can be used in a variety of ways. When you are writing, it is important to use the correct type of common noun for the situation. With a little practice, you will be able to use common nouns correctly in your writing.


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What are nouns?

A noun is a word that represents a place, thing, idea, or person.

What are the types of nouns?

Nouns can be classified into many categories like countable & uncountable/ concrete or abstract.

What is the meaning of a common noun?

A common noun is a word that represents a general place, thing, idea, or person. For example, the word “car” is ...Read full

What are the common noun examples in sentences?

The common nouns examples in sentences are “I live in a small tow...Read full