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Adjectives of Number and Quantity

Adjective of number and adjective of quantity, both indicate an amount. We often get confused between the two and assume that both are synonymous with each other.


Adjectives of number and quantity both indicate an amount. The main difference between adjectives of quantity and number is that adjectives of quantity express an approximate quantity whereas adjectives of number express the exact number. To compose accurate sentences, it is necessary to know and understand the difference between the adjectives of number and the adjectives of quantity. 

What are Adjectives?

Adjectives are one of the eight parts of speech in the English language. Adjectives are specific words that modify, or describe nouns or pronouns. Adjectives tell us which one, what kind, and how many. 

What is the Adjective of Number? 

An adjective of number is an adjective that tells exactly how many nouns there are or how frequently a noun is mentioned. It differs from the adjective quantity which refers to a quantity of something that cannot be counted. An adjective of number is the adjective that is used to depict either the number of nouns or their position or place in a particular order. 

An adjective of number is an adjective that states the number of persons or things. It is called the Numeral adjective.

What are the Types of Adjectives for Numbers? 

Adjectives of numbers are primarily divided into three categories, to know what these three categories are, read on. 

  1. Definite numeral adjectives: One, third, sixth, and so on. Here, the exact position has been specified.
  2. Indefinite numeral adjectives: Some, few, many, all, no, several, any, most, more, too, much, none, too many, certain, and so on are examples of indefinite numeral adjectives.
  3. Distributive numeral adjectives: Each, every, neither, either, and so on. 

Adjective of number – Examples and Use 

Below, we have compiled the adjective of a number of examples and the way of incorporating them into sentences. Read on and enhance your understanding of the topic. 

  1. The diligent one of you can be the leader of this group. 
  2. Few dogs are not doing well. 
  3. My legs have eight fingers and two toes. 
  4. Four books on the General sciences are very tough. 
  5. Most of the girls got selected for the basketball team. 
  6. There are only twelve classrooms in our school. 
  7. One hour has sixty minutes. 
  8. The nurse is available for twenty-four hours. 
  9. Five employees from my father’s office resigned today.
  10. A week has seven days.

Adjective of Number 

Definite Numeral Adjective: Definite numeral adjectives are used to denote the exact number or position of the subject in the sentence. Both cardinal and ordinal numbers come under it. Example: one, first, two, second, and so on. 

Examples of Definite Numeral Adjectives

  1. There are twelve people in the group.
  2. He is the first to join sports in the class.

Indefinite Numeral Adjective: Indefinite numeral adjectives are used to specify numerous subjects however they do not give any specific count value. They only provide information about the number of nouns but do not tell the exact amount of nouns in the sentence such as all, none, many, few, some, and so on. 

They are also used as adjectives of quantity but the difference is that indefinite numeral adjectives are followed by a countable noun whereas adjectives of quantity are followed by a singular uncountable noun. 

Examples of Indefinite Numeral Adjectives-

  1. There are many patients standing at the door of the hospital.
  2. She bought all the mangoes from the seller.

Distributive Numeral Adjectives: Distributive numeral Adjectives are similar to indefinite numeral adjectives and are used to indicate nouns as individual in the whole amount such as neither, another, every, each, and so on.

 It is generally followed by a singular noun and a singular verb. However, in the case of each of, every one of, either of, neither of and so on, we use a plural noun and a singular verb in the sentence. 

Examples of Distributive Numeral Adjectives

  • In the entrance exams, each of the students got a separate set of papers.
  • Every person must take a bath.

Now, let us see some frequently asked questions on adjectives of numbers and quantities.


It can be initially confusing to distinguish between adjectives of number and quantity. The adjectives of quantity and number are used to express how much or how many, they are not synonymous and cannot be used interchangeably. While using any of these adjectives, one must understand the context, i.e. if it is countable then it would be an adjective of number, and if uncountable, then an adjective of quantity. If you remember this rule of thumb, it would be helpful to appropriately use adjectives in your daily conversations and write-ups.