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Representational Statistics (Graphs and Charts)

The article explains what representational statistics are. It discusses graphs, charts, a histogram, and flow charts. It examines the differences, relationships between graphs and charts.

Representational statistics are crucial elements in data interpretation and analysis. Data representation is the method by which visual representation of the content is presented. The kind of representational statistic to be used in a body of work will depend on its type. Representational statistics stand for graphs and charts. This helps provide a quick overview of the data being discussed. Representation of such information is done via colourful images. This not only helps in ease of reading but aids in understanding and analysis. Graphs and charts also function as important links between the content being analysed and the calculations done. 

Graphs and Charts

Graphs and charts are great tools for summarising information. Representation of the data depends greatly on the specific needs of the content. In the following sections, charts, graphs, histograms, and flow charts have been discussed. 

Here are some ways in which representational statistics can be determined: 


Representational Statistics

Measuring variables related to the same case or different cases

Scatter Plot

Categorical Information

Pie chart

Large sets of numerical information and analysis


Data summary has done through values of 5

Box Plots

Comparison of data

Stem and Leaf Plot

Data sets that are related to numerical analysis

Stacked Dot Plot

Categorical information which is more in number

Bar chart

Table 1 shows elements of graphs and charts and their uses


Graphs can be said to be diagrams representing mathematical or analytical information. This information is based on some calculations or scientific research. Typically, graphs show links or connections between variables. Usually, there are two axes in a graph- the x-axis and the y-axis. Both of these axes are 90 degrees to one another. Any kind of data can be represented on these graphs. There are an extensive amount of graphs that are used across many fields. They range between 40-45 types. Some of the most common ones have been given below:

  • Bar graphs
  • Line Graphs
  • Scatter Plot
  • Pictographs
  • Pyramid Graph


Charts like graphs are visual representations of data. They provide representational information about the graphs. Charts usually represent various functions, different types of information on variables or can even represent data that is given in the tabular form. There are different kinds of charts which are numerous, all with their special functions. Mostly a chart is used on the following occasion:

  • Data chart to represent numerical or even qualitative data
  • Field-specific charts that vary in function and characteristics according to their uses in a particular field. For example, a record chart is used in the music industry to track the success of an album.
  • Maps for specific fields based on graphical data


In the graphical representation, a histogram is used for condensing data which is easily understandable and interpretable. It arranges them logically so that data are sequenced according to their ranges. A histogram s very similar to a bar graph but there are some distinctions. This is used for the following reasons:

  • Summarising discrete mathematical calculations
  • Representing continuous data
  • Showing the features in a data which is the most popular

Flow Charts

As its name suggests, a flow chart represents the sequence, the direction, or the flow of a process. It is a diagram that is based on an algorithm. It shows the connections and links between various other functions or steps or events. These types of charts are used in planning, documenting or organising, and managing processes. Similar to graphs and charts, flow charts also have many different types available. Some of the more commonly used flow charts are:

  • Workflow chart
  • PFD or Chart of Process Flow Diagram 
  • DFD or Chart of Data Flow Diagram 
  • EPC or Chart of Event-Driven Process Chain 


Graphical representations are therefore fundamental tools in statistics and elsewhere. How content is going to be represented, its purpose and the nature of the information informs the kind of graphs or charts or a histogram being used. Representational statistics are crucial elements in data interpretation and analysis. Data representation is the method by which visual representation of the content is presented. The kind of representational statistic to be used in a body of work will depend on its type.