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Notes on Overwrite Virus

This article will discuss the Notes On Overwrite Virus, its effects on games, word processors and how this most harmful virus spreads to other executable files. Read the article.

An overwrite Virus is a type of computer virus that affects the computer system negatively. An overwriting virus destroys the code of the original program and much more. An overwriting virus is considered a malicious program that aims to infect the computer system and destroy the program. An overwriting virus destroys the code by overwriting data in the system’s memory and spreads itself to other executable files. Overwrite Virus is considered the most harmful virus because it affects the original code and removes the existing program.  So nowhere in this article we are going to discuss the notes on Overwrite Virus. 

Overwrite Virus: 

Overwrite Virus is very harmful to the computer because it destroys the original code and removes the existing program. Overwrite Virus is known for overwriting the data in the host program. Overwrite virus causes rendering in the complete program. Overwrite Virus is very deadly because it can damage or exploit the platforms of DOS. The DOS platforms that this overwrite Virus can exploit are Linux, Windows and macintosh. Overwrite viruses can cause such damage to the saved files and the data or the computer system that they are irreparable and infects a single file. It means you can not make your computer work like earlier or before the infection of the overwrite Virus. Overwrite Virus is used to write the code which is already infected, so this is how it damages and destroys the codes of computer systems and programs. 

Besides this, overwriting viruses can make your system or computer unstable. If your system or computer is infected with the Overwrite Virus, there are high chances of losing your computer’s stability, spreading itself to other executable files. Overwrite Virus is known for making the computer inoperable also. So these are the dangerous effects of overwriting virus infection. 

Working on Overwrite Virus

If we talk about the working of Overwrite Virus, then it is quite simple. It’s not very complex. The Overwrite Virus works on the straightforward principle and causes dangerous damage to the computer and system. First of all, an overwrite virus deletes the data saved on your computer or the files stored on your system. It overwrites anything by any random data there, and this is the basic simple principle of Overwrite Virus, on which overwrite Virus’s working is based. Besides deleting your data and overwriting it, an overwrite virus can erase or disappear your files and data from every memory of your system, device or computer that it can not ever recover from. Suppose an overwritten virus erases your files and data from memory. In that case, it will not leave any option behind to recover your files and data once your computer is infected with this danger. This Virus can harm your games and word processors. Overwrite Virus, and then there is a high risk for your data and files saved on that infected computer and system.

  • Overwrite Virus removes the existing program and replaces it with malicious code by overwriting it. This Virus is the main code of Overwrite Virus, which is the exact methodology of Overwrite Virus. That’s why the Overwrite Virus is one of the most harmful viruses.
  • The Overwrite Virus affects the operation of applications also. Overwrite Virus damages the application and affects its functionality of the application. It makes the application un-operational, and this is how Overwrite Virus is harmful to applications of the system or computer. 
  • Besides the above two damages, Overwrite Virus steals the data also. So it also causes harm by stealing. 

Examples of Overwrite Virus: 

There are many Overwrite Viruses in the world of computers. So we shall focus on the names of a few Overwrite Viruses. 

  • Grog.377 
  • Grog.202/456
  • Love Letter

These are the names of some Overwrite Viruses. 

Grog.202/456 Overwrite Virus is famous for targeting and attacking the .com files. First of all, Grog.202/456 Overwrite Virus delete these .com files, and then overwriting is done on that space created because of deleting those files. Overwriting in that space is done by random files and codes, which are very harmful to the computer system. Sometimes the Overwrite Virus can also damage those devices connected through the internet by that device. That is why it is known as one of the most harmful viruses.


In this article, we have discussed the Overwrite Virus and the damages caused by the Overwrite Virus on the computer. Several harmful viruses in the computer world cause intense damage to the files and data saved in a user’s devices. So nowadays, as it is a technological world, everyone should be aware of such harmful computer Viruses and should be updated with the antivirus software on their devices. One should always back up the data on the device or email etc. Overwrite ViriVirus is one of the most harmful viruses because it infects a single file. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this article.


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