Notes on LISP

Complete summary of LISP. Features of LISP. Brief info on importance, advantages and disadvantages. Meaning of file extensions and LISP applications.

LISP is a computer language with an overarching style based on expressions and functions. Every LISP procedure is a function that returns a data object as its value when invoked. Even if they may have side effects, it is sometimes referred to as “functions.”

LISP is the world’s second-oldest high-level programming language, created by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1958.

History of LISP:

Lisp was developed as a realistic mathematical language for computer programming, influenced (but not directly derived from Alonzo Church’s lambda calculus notation. It soon rose to prominence as the preferred programming language for AI research.

The acronym LISP stands for “LISt Processor.” Linked lists are one of Lisp’s most important data structures, and lists make up the majority of the language’s source code. As a result, Lisp programmes may modify source code as a data structure, allowing programmers to build new syntax or domain-specific languages that are embedded in Lisp.

Features of LISP:

  • LISP Programming Language Features:
  • It’s a machine-independent programming language.
  • It employs an iterative design process and is easily expandable.
  • It enables us to dynamically construct and update programmes and apps.
  • It has a high-level debugging feature.
  • Object-oriented programming is supported.
  • It is a language based on expressions.
  • It may be used to support a variety of decision-making assertions, including if, when, case, and condition.
  • Different iterating statements, such as do, loop, loopfor, dotimes, and dolist, will be supported.
  • We can also write our own functions in Lisp.

Lists in LISP:

Commonly used lists LISP is nothing more than a single linked list. Lists in LISP are structured as a series of records. The idea of Cons is critical when discussing record structures in LISP. Cons is a record structure in LISP that has two major components. Cons takes two arguments and returns a new cons cell with the values car and dir.

  • car: In a cons function, it’s used to get the first value.
  • cdr: It’s used to get to the cons function’s second value.

The values are written as a dotted pair contained by parentheses if the second value is not nil or merely another cons cell.

The list function accepts any number of parameters.

Applications of LISP:

The essence of LISP is symbols, symbolic expressions, and computing with them.

Computer algebra, theorem proving, planning systems, diagnostics, rewriting systems, knowledge representation and reasoning, logic languages, machine translation, expert systems, and more are examples of typical AI topics for computing with symbols.

Famous AI applications that are written in LISP are:

  • Macsyma, the first big computer algebra system, was implemented in LISP and is a well-known AI application in these disciplines.
  • ACL2 is a popular theorem prover that is used by companies like AMD.
  • The US military utilised DART as a logistical planner during the first Gulf War.
  • This LISP programme is reported to have compensated for all US AI research spending at the time.
  • The Authorizer’s Assistant of American Express, which verifies credit card transactions.

File extension:

Source code file written in Lisp, a programming language with numerous dialects such as Common Lisp and Scheme; includes plain text programme code that is executed with a Lisp interpreter; maybe a whole programme or a portion of a larger Lisp application.

.LSP file

LSP files can also include an application’s component or perhaps the full application, and the LSP format supports numerous formats, including Scalar. LSP files may be read and seen with any text editor, however, editors with Lisp syntax highlighting are preferable since they are simpler to open and view. Symbolic processing, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing all benefit greatly from LSP files.

Applications that open a . LSP file:

  • Microsoft Notepad
  • Microsoft WordPad
  • Apple TextEdit


  • The language that is both beautiful and strong
  • The versatility provided by homoiconicity, macros, and reflection is immense.
  • You get fantastic performance if you use anything like SBCL.
  • Programmers can use Lisp to develop speedier applications. Develop in less time and run more quickly.
  • The present status of Lisp research in bioinformatics and computational biology suggests that a BioLisp community may emerge shortly.


  • Lisp developers have a scarcity of work opportunities.
  • Many individuals are turned off by the relatively tiny ecosystem compared to that of Java, Python, JavaScript, and C++ syntax
  • It takes some getting accustomed to prefix notation and mountains of parentheses
  • There is no such thing as a Common Lisp ecosystem (albeit there is less churn than in Clojure land).
  • the language is frozen/dead

there are no high-quality free implementations available.


The computer language LISP, which stands for list processing, was created to make manipulating data strings simple. It is a widely used artificial intelligence (AI) programming language that was created by John McCarthy in 1959. It is one of the most ancient programming languages that is still widely used.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the BANK Examination Preparation.

What does LISP stand for?

Ans : LISP stands for “LISt Processor.

State the use of LISP.

Ans : LISP is utilised in AI because it facilitates the devel...Read full

In LISP, what is CLOS?

Ans. CLOS is a lisp object system in the traditional sense. It is a strong object-oriented programming langua...Read full

In LISP, what symbol is used to indicate the prompt?

Ans. A prompt is represented by the symbol “>.” The prompt symbol in the lisp interpreter shou...Read full