Logic Gates

The logic gates are the signals for the information on the command that is provided to the computer system for performing a certain function as the computer symbol includes zero and one as the primary language. The logic gates work with these two digits.

In the computer system, every function or command is implemented with the help of a signal. As the computer coding is managed by two digits, i.e., 0 and 1. Therefore, this signalling must be done in the form of zeros and ones. The logic gates are the digital signals that create an output signal on the basis of the input data that is fed into the system. This output signal works like the command for the computer system for performing a certain function. These logic gates are used in electronic circuits to decide whether the switch will be on or off. Similarly, the statement declaration in a computer system is made with the help of the logic gates, whether a statement will be termed as true or false on the basis of the symbol; zero and one. These functions are based upon the logical algebraic system, which is also termed Boolean algebra.

Logic Gates:

Logic Gates is a logical function that works on the basis of a Boolean algebra. During the functioning of a logic gate, the statement gives out the output of zero and one on the basis of the input that is implemented into the systems. The basic representation of the logic gate is expressed in the set of 2 elements, i.e., zero and one. These logic gates have been used in a number of electrical appliances in our daily life, mostly used in a number of electric circuits and switches. On the basis of the characteristic of the function, the logic gates are divided into different categories, which is termed dysfunction, negation at conjunction.

Types of Logic Gates:

The logic gate is categorised into different groups which perform different operations. On the basis of these operations, the logic gates are termed dysfunction, negation and conjunction. Further descriptions of these types of logic gates are:

  1. AND gate: The AND gate is a function that gives out the product as one if both of the statements are 1. Otherwise, it will give an output of 0. It is represented by (.)
  2. OR gate: The OR gate is a function that gives out an output of 1 if either one of the given inputs is 1. Otherwise, it will give out zero as the output. It is represented by (+).
  3. NOT gate: The NOT gate is said to be an inverse function, in which if the input given is one; it will produce the output of 0. Similarly, if the input is 0, it will produce the output of 1. It is represented as (‘).

However, the logic gates are further categorised on the basis of negation categories, i.e., the negated functions of the already described logic gates functions. They are termed the NAND gate, the NOR gate, and the XNOR gate.

Boolean function:

A Boolean function is also termed a switching function in the term of computer science. However, a Boolean function is a function whose result or the outcome is in the set of 2 elements, through or false. Zero or one extra. The functioning of a Boolean expression is based upon the switching theory or Boolean algebra. The Boolean Functions are further divided into a number of categories, like, negation, compliment, conjunction, disjunction, Logical nor logical equality, etc. The Boolean Function is represented by the help of a truth table where each symbol and its representative commands are written side by side. The truth table can’t be drawn in the form of a Marquand diagram, Binary decision diagram or A Venn diagram.


A logic gate is used as the basic commanding function in most important digital devices. Some of the everyday devices that perform logical functions are the digital watch, computers, calculators, smartphones, stopwatches, etc. Moreover, these are used in the control circuits, for example, Light Activated-Burglar alarm, automatic watering system. Safety thermostats, doorbells and several other electronic devices.


The logic Gate can be said as the logical function which gives the output in terms of zeros and ones. These zeros and ones are the language of computer coding which helps in understanding the command provided to the system in order to perform a specific function. These are basically used in the statement conditions where only two options are available for performing an operation, for example, true and false, yes or no, etc. This logic gate function is used in a number of applications in our daily life. For example, doorbells, thermostats, geezers, light switches, etc. According to the functioning, the logic gates are categorised into several groups, which includes AND function, NOT function, XOR function and OR function.


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What do you mean by the logic gate?

Ans: A logic gate is expressed as a function that gives the output in the form...Read full

How can a Boolean function be represented?

Ans: The Boolean function is represented in the form of diagrams which can be categorised as a Marquand diagram, bin...Read full

What is the application of a logic gate?

Ans: The logic gate is used in a number of important digital devices, which includes thermostat safety, Burglar alar...Read full

What are the types of logic gates?

Ans: According to the nature of the functioning, the logic gate is categorised as AND gate, NOT gate, OR gate, an XO...Read full