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Explanation of Deployment Models

Four types of cloud deployment models that have been operated in different locations and infrastructures are public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and community cloud.

The deployment model of cloud computing refers to the types of access to the network for sharing information or development of the IoT network. The cloud deployment model is defined as secure access to the network by different cloud platforms. The cloud deployment model helps in data transfer and encryption to share the common technology within a network for the development of the IoT. The deployment model helps in data retention by complying with the requirements of user access. The cloud deployment model is the broad network access by the public or the organisation to make server less collaboration within the environment.

What is the deployment model?

There are four types of deployment models by which the user can access the network for sharing information or technology. Four types of deployment models are public cloud, private cloud, community cloud and hybrid cloud. The public cloud is the free network shuttering proceeds by that any public cloud can access the user data or information. The private cloud is the secured network within the organisation and systems for sharing of technology or information. A hybrid cloud refers to a network where both public and private networks have access to the information. The community cloud is the network infrastructure that allows services to be accessible by a group of people or organisations.

Explanation of the public and private cloud

The public deployment model refers to the computing resources operated by the providers and shared among the multiple networks on the internet. The public cloud is defined as the computing services delivered by a third party over the public network or internet. Public cloud network resources are available to any user and it allows the user to pay only for the single usage of the technology for the information. Public cloud networks are less secure as the information is open to the internet or the public. Private cloud computing resources are accessible by a single user and the network requires a special verification and authentication process.

Description of the hybrid cloud

A hybrid cloud environment refers to the network where public and private cloud interfaces operate within the same native cloud infrastructure. A hybrid cloud is the application of both public and private cloud environments like on-premise data centres and Google cloud. A hybrid cloud application is operated critically by the private cloud environment and non critically by the public cloud environment. Hybrid cloud refers to the mix up of the computing services, storage, and infrastructure on the premises such as Microsoft azure. A hybrid cloud is very useful in healthcare, finance and universities to make a uniform data centre for the shared platform.

What is a community cloud?

Community cloud refers to the shared environment and resources that are accessible to the group of people or the organisation. The community cloud is provided and operated by one or more organisations and the service is provided by the third party in the community. The community cloud is cost-effective in the organisation as the information is shared within the groups of the organisation. The community cloud environment is a more secure network as compared to the public and private networks.

Explain the advantages of the deployment model

  • In the private cloud deployment model, data is transferred in a secure and authentic environment that secures the data transmission compliance of the organisation.
  • The deployment cloud model is cost-effective in managing data centres for communities and servers.
  • A hybrid cloud is useful for creating a data centre that can be accessed by both public and private networks.
  • Both Public and private are flexible and can mitigate business challenges by sharing the technology in the common environment.

Use of deployment model

The public cloud model is used in the transfers of open networks on the internet for communication provided by the third-party service provider. Private cloud infrastructure is used by the IT business solution to make infrastructure scalable. A hybrid cloud is used by online retailers to manage the web services and inventory process. Community cloud has been widely used in the university to increase the platform of the research. 

Issues in deployment model

Security is the main issue in the public deployment and private deployment models as services are provided by third-party service providers. The cloud deployment model except public cloud requires IT infrastructure and a skilled workforce. Overall reliability on the network is power in the deployment model as most of the information is shared in the common network. The variable cost of the implementation of the cloud environment requires a financial policy for the service providers and the organisation.


The above study indicates that the deployment model is effective for an on-premises data centre and managing information in the Google cloud. The study indicates that the hybrid cloud combines the data centre, public network and private network for ensuring seamless transfer of the technology or information. The hybrid cloud network is useful for maintaining the critical IP in the private cloud network.


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