
This article deals with databases, Database Management systems (DBMS), different forms of the database, such as relational database and non-relational database, single-file database, and multiple file database.


The database is an important part of computer software. It is connected to the management, organization, and administration of data. The Database Management System (DBMS) forms one of the most basic functions of the computer. To know about the database, it is important to learn about functions and what its components are.


The database is the set of organized data that is stored in the computer systematically or hierarchically. It is a collection of raw unprocessed data. However, we can also call the entire system of database and its management a database system or database.

Difference between Data and Database

While data is individual statistical digits or unprocessed information, the database is a collection of data sets, and thus it is much more extensive and hierarchical.


The full form of DBMS is Database Management System. It is software for the organization and storage of data.

Single File system and multiple file system 

The multiple file system is complex and stores multiple types of data and relates them. The second one is also known as a single file database and flat-file database. This one is much simpler and it cannot store interrelated data. It cannot contain more than one table. It is stored in plain text format and the data components are separated by a punctuation mark or by the use of a tab. 

The relationships in the multiple file Database Management System (DBMS) can be of four types: one and one, one and many, many and one, many and many. The first one is where the records of a single table have relation to the records of a single table. The second one is where the records of a single table have relation to the records of more than one table. The third one is where the records of more than one table have relation to the records of a single table. The last one is where the records of more than one table have relation to the records of more than one table.

Relational and non-relational Database Management System (DBMS)

The two types of Database Management systems (DBMS) are relational and non-relational. The first one is more complex and it depends on the interrelationship between the data sets. The relational Database Management System (DBMS) stores only structured data while the second one can store unstructured and semi-structured ones as well. 

The non-relational Database Management System (DBMS) is very helpful when dealing with raw data which has to be manipulated at several stages and the administration should take place after storage and usage.

Three types of Database Management Systems (DBMS) apart from a relational database

The three structures of a database management system are hierarchical, network-based, and object-oriented. The first one has a structure like a tree and it is similar to the folder management system. This hierarchy is based on the relationship between the parent node and the child nodes. The user has to pass the parent node first to reach the child nodes. The second one is also organized hierarchically but here there are numerous parent nodes. The third one needs a relationship to objects and it is based on the same functionality to perform.

Functioning of Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System (DBMS) functions based on its relationship with other programs on the computer. It has a direct connection to the hardware and it functions fast. Also now there is an option for migration of Database Management System (DBMS) from one machine to another one with the help of a vendor, which acts as a transporter. The transportation keeps the application of the Database Management System (DBMS) intact and it is flexible and dynamic enough to adapt to the conditions of the new machine. The database management system also works based on user interfaces and builds the data on the instructions accumulated through user interfaces.


It is not enough to know only about database and Database Management systems (DBMS). To learn about their background, working principles, and functionality, you need to study other aspects of computer systems and machine language. The working of the computer with the help of the Operation System, BIOS, input and output systems, Arithmetic Logic Unit or ALU, Algorithm, BUS are important topics to study. You should also look into the background and details on the internet, information technology, and communication systems with the use of a computer.


Frequently asked questions

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What is the utility of a database?

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What is the utility of a Database Management System (DBMS)?

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