Concept of NOT gate

NOT gate is a logic gate that does the inversion of the given Output . It is also known as an inverter. It has high output in low input and vice versa.

NOT gate is a logic gate that inverts the binary input which means that in order to get a high output (1) we require a low input (0) and for a low output a High input (1) is needed. It inverts the input or we can say it negates the output hence due to this inversion of output it is also called Inverter.The input and the output of the NOT logic gate is represented in the tabular format known as truth Table. The table gives the input and output or results of all people possible inputs. 

As the logic gates work with binary digits hence the two possible inputs can be 0 or 1.

Case 1

The input is taken as 0 and the output received is high, that is 1. after passing through the NOT gate

Case 2

The input is taken to be high that means 1 and corresponding result is low that is zero in the NOT gate.

The equation of NOT gate 

X= Ā

Here X is the output and A is the input .

So the bar(-) on A represents negative of A or opposite of A .

This can also be seen as if the input of variable is taken as A which is passing through the NOT gate then the output binary variable will be Ā. Here the bar is not .

So if input is A= 1 then corresponding output is Ā= 0 and if the input is A= 0 then output is Ā= 1.

Truth table of NOT gate

Truth table is the representation of all the possible inputs that can be made and the corresponding digital output of the same. It is a tabular representation of all the possible outputs that are obtained after passing through a NOT gate.

The truth table of NOT gate is as follows -:







Application of NOT gate

  • As we all know that NOT gate is an inverter and hence gives an opposite signal in the output hence it is used in CMOS inverters to generate waveforms.
  • NOT gates are also used in temperature control circuits.
  • They are also used in various integrated circuits.
  • Also logic gates like NOT ,AND are also the most fundamental components of the microprocessor and microcontroller.
  • Flip flops are designed with the help of logic gates.
  • They are also used in printer IC
  • disk read-write IC
  • Logic gates are also extensively used in control circuits.As nowadays most of the machines and other equipment are digitally controlled hence gates such as AND ,NOT or the most common part of these controlled circuits.
  • The on ,off and speed facilities of a control circuit is regulated with the help of the AND ,NOT and other logic gates.

Characteristics of NOT gate

The following are the characteristics of a NOT gate -:

  1. A NOT gate is a single input and output digital device or logic gate.
  2. It is known as an inverter since it gives an inversion of the applied input.
  3. The symbol Of NOT gate is a triangle which has a bubble over it.
  4. The bubble in the NOT gate is known as an inversion bubble.
  5. It gives the complement of the input signal or in other words it gives the negation if the input 
  6. It is also known as a decision making device due to the single input channel.


NOT gate is logic gate that gives a negative mathematical output. Hence it is also called an Inverter. That means it gives 0 when input is 1 and 1 when the input is 0. NOT gate is a single window system wherein we have a single input and output system. It is also known as a decision making device due to this reason.A NOT gate has a triangular shape with a bubble on the top. The top bubble is used to get the inversion of the input or the complement.NOT gate has the equation as – X = Ā. The bar here represents the negative of A. The NOT gate has alot of application in day to day life from integrated circuits , temperature control circuits , controlled circuits used in machines till various microprocessor and microcontrollers.


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what is a NOT gate and what is the equation of a NOT gate ?

Ans: NOT gate is a logic gate that works on the concept of inversion. It is a ...Read full

Why is a NOT gate called an Inverter?

Ans: NOT gate is known as an inverter since the gate inverts the input .For example if we take a High input (1) then...Read full

What is the principle of NOT gate ?

Ans: The principle working of NOT gate is simple. In order to find the output ...Read full

Draw the Truth table of NOT gate.

Ans: The truth table of NOT gate is represented as follows-: ...Read full