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Computer Related Terms Abbreviations

There are numerous important computer abbreviations. Most of its software terminologies and parts have computer abbreviations. The computer abbreviations list is a long one.

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When working on a computer, it is extremely important to understand and gain knowledge about its software, hardware, protocols, memory and more. There is a computer abbreviations list, that is, the list of computer short forms. It is necessary to gain knowledge about the full forms and short forms related to computers. It helps in working with the computers and also helps in a number of competitive exams. There is a long list of important computer abbreviations which might be technical or related to personal communication. There are different computer abbreviations for networking, operating system and storage, and some other common computer short forms.

1. Computer Abbreviations for Basic Components 

  • AFA – All-Flash Array
  • BIOS – Basic Input Output System
  • BYTE – Storage Unit
  • CPU – Central Processing Unit
  • HDD – Hard Disk Drive
  • LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
  • OS – Operating System
  • PC – Personal Computer
  • PDF – Portable Document Format
  • RAID – Redundant Array of Independent Disks
  • RAM – Random Access Memory
  • RDMA – Remote Direct Memory Access
  • ROM – Read Only-Memory
  • SATA – Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 
  • SSD – Solid State Drive
  • VGA – Video Graphics Array

2. List of Other Important Computer Abbreviations 

  • COMPUTER – Commonly Operated Machine Used for Trade or Technology, Education and Research
  • AAC – Advanced Audio Coding
  • AI – Artificial Intelligence
  • ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  • ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit 
  • ALGOL – Algorithmic Language 
  • AOL – America Outline
  • API – Application Program Interface 
  • APT – Automatically Programmed Tooling
  • ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
  • ASP – Active Server Pages
  • ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  • AUI – Attachment Unit Interface
  • AT – Advanced Technology
  • ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  • AVI – Audio Video Interleave
  • BCC – Blind Carbon Copy
  • BASIC – Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • BPS – Bytes Per Second
  • BCD – Binary Coded Decimal
  • B HTML – Broadcast Hypertext Markup Language
  • BIU – Bus Interface Unit
  • BMP – Bitmap
  • B2C – Business to Consumer
  • B2B – Business to Business
  • CUI – Character User Interface
  • CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
  • CPI – Clock/Cycle Per Instruction
  • CC – Carbon Copy
  • CAI – Computer-Aided Instruction
  • CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access
  • CRT – Cathode Ray Tube
  • COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language 
  • CISC – Complex Instructions Set Computers
  • CADD – Computer-Aided Design in Drafting
  • CAD – Computer-Aided Design
  • CD – Compact Disk
  • CD RW – Compact Disk Rewritable
  • CMD – Command
  • CD ROM – Compact Disk Read Only Memory
  • CROM – Computerised Range of Motion
  • CAM – Computer-Aided Manufacturing
  • DAT – Digital Audio Tape
  • DNA – Distributed Internet Architecture
  • DDR – Double Data Rate
  • DPI – Dots Per Inch
  • DDR-SDRAM – Double Data Rate-Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • DML – Data Manipulation Language
  • DOS – Disk Operating System
  • DOC – Date Optimising Computer
  • DHTML – Dynamics Hypertext Markup Language
  • Doc – Document
  • DVD – Digital Versatile Disk
  • DVI -Digital Visual Interface
  • DDL – Data Definition Language
  • DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • DBMS – Database Management System
  • DVDR – Digital Versatile Disk Recordable
  • DVDRW – Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable
  • DVR – Digital Video Recorder
  • DARPANET – Defence Advanced Research Project Agency Network
  • E-Commerce – Electronic Commerce
  • EDGE – Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution
  • EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
  • EDP – Electronic Data Processing
  • FS – File System
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • FORTRAN – Formula Translation
  • FDD – Floppy Disk Drive
  • FDC – Floppy Disk Controller
  • ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
  • EDSAC – Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
  • EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Compute
  • EB – EXAByte
  • EiB – EXBIByte
  • EROM – Erasable Read-Only Memory 
  • EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
  • EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
  • E-Mail – Electronic Mail
  • EFS – Encrypted File System
  • FAT – Find Allocation Table
  • FPS -Frames Per Second 
  • FLOPS – Floating Point Operations for Second
  • FM – Frequency Modulation
  • GB – GigaByte
  • GiB – GIBIByte
  • GIGO – Garbage in Garbage Out
  • GHz – Gigahertz
  • GIF – Graphics Interchangeable Format
  • GDI – Graphical Device Into
  • GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
  • GUI – Graphical User Interface
  • GBPS – Gigabytes/Gigabits Per Second
  • 3GP – 3rd Generation Project
  • 3GPP – 3rd Generation Partnership Project
  • GML – Geography Markup Language
  • GSM – Global System For Mobile Communication
  • IBM – International Business Machines
  • IC – Integrated Circuit
  • IO – Input Output
  • IOP – Input Output Processor
  • IPV6 – Internet Protocol Version 6
  • IPV4 – Internet Protocol Version 4
  • IP – Internet Protocol
  • INFO – Information
  • HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface 
  • HTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
  • HD – Hard Disk
  • HDD – Hard Disk Drive
  • HPC – Handheld Personal Computer
  • HP – Hewlett Packard/Horsepower
  • INTEL – Integrated Electronics
  • IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol
  • ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation
  • HSDPA – High-speed Downlink Packet Access
  • ICT – Information Communication Technology
  • IT – Information Technology
  • MIPS – Million Instructions for Second
  • MHz – Megahertz
  • MBPS – Megabits/Megabytes per Second
  • MB – Motherboard/Megabyte
  • MAN – Metropolitan Area Network 
  • LLL – Low-level Language
  • Kbps – Kilobits/Kilobytes per Second
  • KBD – Keyboard
  • KB – Kilobyte
  • JSP – Java Server Page 
  • JS – JavaScript
  • JPEG – Joint Photographic Expert Group 
  • JAD – Job Application Descriptor/Development
  • J2EE – Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition
  • JAR – Java Archive
  • MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  • MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
  •  MPEG – Motion Picture Experts Group
  • Mp3 – MPEG Audio Layer 3
  • Mp4 – MPEG-4 AVC
  • NAT – Network Address Translation
  • NIC – Network Interface Card
  • NIIT – National Institute of Information Technology
  • NTP – Network Time Protocol
  • NTFS – New Technology File System
  • OMR – Optical Mark Reader/Recognition
  • OOP – Object-Oriented Programming
  • OpenGL – Open Graphics Library
  • OSI – Open Systems Interconnection
  • PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor
  • PB – PetaByte
  • PiB – PebiByte
  • PNG – Portable Network
  • PNP – Plug and Play
  • PDA – Personal Digital
  • PDU – Protocol Data Unit/Power Distribution Unit
  • PAN – Personal Area Network
  • PROM – Programmable Read-Only Memory
  • PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect
  • POST – Power on Self Test
  • PSU – Power Supply Unit
  • PING – Packet Internet/Internetwork Groper
  • RDBMS – Relational Database Management System
  • RIP – Routing Information to Protocol
  • RPM – Revolutions Per Minute
  • SMPS – Switch Mode Power Supply
  • SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • SRAM – Static Random Access Memory
  • SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
  • SAM – Software Asset Management/Sequential Access Method
  • SNAP – Subnetwork Access Protocol
  • SNOBOL – String Oriented Symbolic Language
  • SIU – Serial Interface Unit
  • SW – Software
  • SMS – Short Message Services
  • SQL – Structured Query
  • TB – Terabyte
  • TiB – Tebibyte
  • TCP – Transmission Control Protocol 
  • TBPS – Terabytes Per Second 
  • TAPI – Telephony Application Programming Interface
  • TXT – Text
  • UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer
  • UHF – Ultra High Frequency
  • UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
  • VAN – Value Added Network 
  • UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply
  • UI – User Interface
  • VDU – Visual Display Unit
  • VIRUS – Vital Information Resource Under Seized 
  • VCD – Video Compact Disk
  • VHF – Very High Frequency
  • VOIP – VoiceOver Internet Protocol
  • VRAM – Video Random Access Memory
  • VPN – Virtual Private Network
  • WAN – Wide Area Network
  • WAP – Wireless Application Protocol
  • WORM – Write Once Read Many
  • WWW – World Wide Web
  • WBMP – Wireless Bitmap Image
  • WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network
  • WMV – Windows Media Video
  • WML – Wireless Markup Language
  • WMA – Windows Media Audio
  • WINS – Windows Internet Name Service 
  • XT – Extended Technology
  • XMF – Extensible Music File
  • XML – Extensible Markup Language
  • XMS – Extended Memory Specification
  • XHTML – Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 
  • XSL – Extensible Style Language
  • Yahoo – Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
  • YB – Yottabyte
  • YiB – Yobibyte
  • ZiB – ZebiByte 
  • ZB – Zetta Byte

3. Computer Short Forms Related to Internet and Network

  • DNS – Domain Name Server 
  • FTP – File Transport Protocol
  • HTML – HyperText Markup Language
  • HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • IP – Internet Protocol
  • ISP – Internet Service Provider
  • LAN – Local Area Network
  • PPP – Point to Point Protocol
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimisation 
  • URL -Uniform Resource Locator 
  • USB – Universal Serial Bus
  • VR – Virtual Reality
  • VRML – Virtual Reality Mark-up Language 


With the growing use of computers for everyday things, it has become really important to gain knowledge about its components. There are various computer abbreviations which should be known to all as it helps the users to work with computers more easily. It is important to know the list of computer abbreviations and the full forms of those abbreviations as it helps in several competitive exams. There are computer short forms for data storage, internet, connectivity, network and more. Some computer abbreviations are technical, while the others are very basic and common. Computer abbreviations exist for personal communication as well.

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