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Basics of Hacking , Security Tools and Viruses

Computer security concerns might jeopardize your computer's smooth functioning and functionality. The harm might sometimes be irreparable.


We utilize internet-connected devices almost every day of our lives. We use the internet to surf for information, shop, bank, and communicate via social media. Thieves and other fraudsters may be able to gain access to your devices and steal your personal information. Malicious viruses or malware could be installed on your computer, slowing it down or deleting files. You can protect your privacy and reduce the risk of computer virus attack while online by taking precautions. 


Ethical Hacking

An approved attempt to acquire unauthorized access to a computer system, program, or data is known as hacking. Duplicating the techniques of malevolent attackers is part of carrying out an ethical hack. This approach aids in the detection of security flaws, which can subsequently be addressed prior to a malicious attacker having a chance to misuse them.

Key concepts of hacking

Hackers adhere to four important protocol principles:

Stay legal: Before accessing and executing a security evaluation, ensure you have the right permissions.

Report Vulnerabilities: All vulnerabilities uncovered during the assessment should be reported to the organization. Provide remediation suggestions for correcting these vulnerabilities.

Define the scope of the assessment to ensure that the ethical hacker’s work is legal and within the organization’s approved parameters.

Respect data sensitivity: Ethical hackers may be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement and additional terms and restrictions imposed by the examined firm, depending on the data sensitivity. 

Types of hacking

Depending on the hacker’s goal, we can categorize hack type into several sorts.

Website Hacking: Taking unauthorized control over a web server and its accompanying software, such as databases.

Network Hacking: Hacking a network based gathering data using several tools to cause damage to the full  network system and interfere with its operation.

Email hacking: It involves gaining illegal access to any email account and utilizing to send spam, threats, and other damaging activities without permission.

Password hacking: It is the process of sourcing passwords from data stored in computer systems.

Computer hacking: It is the process of illegal access to a PC  by hacking its ID and password using manytechniques.

When Is It Illegal To Hack?

It is illegal for a hacker to breach a system without authorization. Black Hat Hackers are the name for these types of hackers. They’re the kind of hackers recognized for hacking for malicious purposes rather than for enjoyment. Then there’s the hacker who wants to expose someone or release information.

When it comes to organized crime, hacking is often a huge business and can be pretty sophisticated. Hacking for profit has proven to be incredibly profitable, and the strategies used by hackers allow them to elude law authorities frequently.

Computer virus

Types of viruses

PC viruses that infect files and viruses that copy themselves in the boot sector are the two types of viruses that can be distinguished, depending on the method of infection. The boot sector viruses are activated automatically when the computer starts up.

 Non-subscription and subscription viruses are the two types of viruses. The former is placed at the start and end of an executable file.


These are malicious programs that self-replicate and execute but do not infect your computer’s other programs. The infection is active when a user accepts and runs the Worm-infected file through a network connection. Worms can increase indefinitely, clogging computers and triggering equipment failures.


These are self-contained, possibly beneficial programs that a programmer has tampered with to achieve an unexpected (and occasionally destructive) consequence. These creatures do not self-replicate, but Email attachments and Worms can distribute them.


These are vulnerabilities in some programs’ computer coding that allow remote computers (and their users) to gain administrator rights (access.) 

Cyber threat defense

The technique of protecting computers or any electronic systems, networks, from illegal intrusions is known as cyber security. A good network security system can help limit the danger of data leakage.

Attacks can occur at various levels, and network security requires three levels of control:

Physical: Designed to prevent unauthorized access to components such as routers by physical means. It could include cameras, fingerprint scanners, and other devices.

Technical: Designed to keep data on the network safe from unauthorized access and hacking.

Administrative: Consists of rules and security regulations aimed at limiting user behavior.

Security tools


A firewall is a crucial security tool since it protects against malware, unauthorized logins, and other security concerns. It is used to safeguard data from security breaches by blocking IP ranges and URLs.

Antivirus protection software

If you aren’t familiar with cybersecurity, you must have up-to-date anti-virus software installed to keep your PC secure.

 Network intrusion detection

If a possible threat is found, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) monitors network and system traffic for unusual or suspicious activities and notifies the administrator. 

Packets sniffers

A packet sniffer, known as a packet analyzer, protocol analyzer, or network analyzer, intercepts, logs, and analyses network traffic and data.

Protect yourself against cyberattacks with this cyber safety advice

How can businesses and individuals safeguard themselves against cyber-threats? Here are a few of our top cyber-security tips:

  1. Update your operating system
  2. Install Anti-virus softwares. It detects and removes threats. 
  3. Make sure your passwords are hard to guess.
  4. Never open attachments from unknown senders because they may contain malware.
  5. Do not open any emails from unknown senders or unfamiliar websites.
  6. Don’t use public WiFi networks that aren’t secure.


Even with many advanced defense mechanisms, cyberthreat is becoming more prevalent as digital technologies advance. It’s critical to protect against assaults by paying attention to internal systems, deploying numerous defenses for increased security, and preventing irreversible harm.