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An Introduction to Computers

A computer is an electronic device that runs (functions) using programs stored in its own memory unit.

A computer is made up of electrical parts and runs on electric power (such as electricity), a computer is classified as an electronic device. A computer’s internal memory stores data and instructions that are temporarily awaiting processing, as well as the intermediary result (information) before it is sent to the recipients via the Output devices. It operates on the data in accordance with the instructions given, implying that the computer is incapable of performing any productive tasks on its own. It can only function in accordance with the sequence of commands provided. A computer accepts data in one format and outputs it in another.

Computer Functions

The computer has four main functions, which are listed below:

  • Input refers to anything that is delivered to a computer. The inputs are used to provide data to the computer. Even binary data is accepted by the computer (raw format). The input devices aid in the conversion of binary data into a form that the computer performs. Data can be entered in a variety of formats, including letters, numbers, graphics, and so on.
  • The basic purpose of a computer is to process data. The CPU aids in the processing of data in accordance with the commands put into the computing device. Data processing is a computer system’s internal process, and also the data is processed in a queue. The data is then delivered as the output after the processing is completed. The cpu is a chip that serves as the computer’s brain. The speed of the processor varies between computers due to a variety of factors, including the kind of CPU, RAM, and motherboard.
  • During the processing, the data is usually subjected to the following operations: Adding, reducing, multiplying, differences, square root, and other arithmetic operations

Equivalent to, not similar to, larger than, just under, opposite, and other logical operations

  • The output refers to anything which comes out of the computer. It is data that is legible by humans and shown on a computer monitor. If required, the output can be saved to the storage devices. The output devices aid in the conversion of the CPU’s processed data into a human-readable format.
  • Storage refers to the device that a computer system uses to store its data. Digital data is stored with the help of storage devices. They can save data both whereas the computer runs and after it has been processed. There are two types of storage: volatile and non-volatile. Volatile storage can only store data while the power source is attached, however, non-volatile storage can store data indefinitely even if the power source is turned off.

I/O stands for input/output

Hard disc drives are a prevalent type of computer storage device.

I/O refers to the method through which a computer communicates with the outside world. Peripherals are devices that give input or output to a computer. Peripherals on a standard desktop pc include USB connection like the keyboard or mouse, as well as output devices like the monitor and printer. Input and output devices include hard disc drives, floppy hard disks, and optical disc drives. Another type of I/O is computer networking. I/O devices are frequently complicated computers in and of themselves, with their own processor and memory. A graphics card (GPU) may have fifty or more small processors that conduct the calculations required to display three-dimensional graphics.

Computer Applications

Computers become more significant in almost every job, enabling our everyday tasks to be easier to handle. Previously, computers were used to perform tough computational techniques, but they also have advanced too far and now perform a wide range of tasks. Complex calculations, commercial report generating, bill generation, training, development or expansion, plus entertaining are among the jobs they currently perform.

Due to their superior qualities and it can, laptops are used in a variety of industries, including homes, businesses, government facilities, research organizations, academic institutions, health, and entertainment. Computers have propelled industries and businesses to previously unimaginable heights.


A computer is a digital electric device that can be designed to accomplish arithmetic and logic in a preset order (computation). Programs are collections of activities that modern machines are capable of performing. These programmes enable computers to do a wide range of jobs. A computer is a “complete” computer that has all of the required hardware, system software (main software), and


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What is the output of the NOR gate when both the input is 1?

Ans. The Output in that situation is 1.