
Acronyms are used to make our communication and usage easier. These are words or names constructed by taking the initial components from an original longer name. Here, we will be sharing a common Acronym list.

The acronym stands for words aur names constructed by putting together the initial components of an originally longer name or phrase. These acronyms are generally formed by collecting the initial letters of a word like NASA, which stands for national aeronautics and space administration. This acronym list will help you in scoring in several government exams. The significance of these abbreviations lies in the computer awareness section of numerous government exams. What is an acronym?

There are times when we want to say many things, but we don’t have enough time to say them. The Acronyms are words formed by collecting and putting together the initial letters of original words, which take longer to spell. Acronyms are designed to eliminate the problem of long faces and help in speeding up communication. 

Acronym list 

Here is a common acronyms list which will help you understand and learn the concept of acronyms. 

NITI stands for National Institutions for Transforming India

PRAGATI stands for  Proactive Governance and Timely Implementation

Pahal stands for Pratyaksha Hastaantarit Laabh

HRIDAY stands for Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojana

EEU stands for Eurasian Economic Union

NSM stands for National Supercomputing Mission

AMRUT stands for Atal Mission For Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation.’

MRT stands for Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy

BOSS stands for Bharat Operating System Solutions

NMET stands for National Mineral Exploration Trust

UPI stands for Unified Payment Interface

TLCs  stands for Tech Learning Centers

JAM stands for Jan Dhan, Andhar and Mobile

PSF stands for Price Stabilization Fund

POTUS stands for President of United States

Ind AS stands for Indian Accounting Standards

NERPAP stands for National Electric Roll Purification and Authentic Program

IRNSS stands for Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System

DAY stands for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojana

MHFA stands for Mission Housing for All Urban

DI stands for Digital India

MII stands for Make in India

SIMO stands for Skill India Mission Operation

DDUGJY stands for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana

PMKSY stands for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

SHC stands for Soil Health Card Scheme 

BBBP stands for Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

DBTSK stands for Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for Kerosene

50 examples of Acronyms

Here is a common computer acronyms list  

AAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence

ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

ALGOL stands for Algorithmic Language

ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit 

AOL stands for America Online

API stands for Application Program Interface

APT stands for Automatically Programmed Tooling

ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol 

ASP stands for Active Server Pages

ATM stands for Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange

AT stands for Advanced Technology

AUI stands for Attachment Unit Interface

BASIC stands for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic INstruction Code

BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal

B HTML stands for Broadcast HyperText Markup Language 

BMP stands for Bitmap

BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System

B2B stands for Business to BUsiness

B2C stands for Business to Consumer

BIU stands for Bus Interface Unit

BPS stands for Bytes Per Second

BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy

CC stands for Carbon Copy

CAI stands for Computer-Aided Design 

CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access

CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube

CAD stands for Computer-Aided Design

CADD stands for Computer-Aided Design and Drafting 

CD stands for Compact Disk

CDRW stands for Compact Disk Rewritable 

CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing

CROM stands for Computer Range of Motion

CMD stands for Command

CPI stands for Clock/ Cycle Per Instruction

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit 

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets 

CUI stands for Character User Interface

DAT stands for Digital Audio Tape

DDR stands for Double Data Rate

DOS stands for Disk Operating System

Doc stands for Document

DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disk

DVI stands for Digital Versatile Interface

DBMS stands for Database Management System

DDL stands for Data Definition Language

EB stands for EXABYTE


If you are a government job aspirant, you must be aware of the computer awareness section. Computer acronyms are scoring problems that help you get a good score in several government exams. We have provided a useful and important acronyms list that is frequently asked in several government exams and is considered important. Acronyms are the words formed by putting together the initials of longer words to ease communication and other uses.