SBI PO Eligibility Criteria

If you are applying for the SBI PO exam then do check out the eligibility criteria. Read more and check every minute criteria for being eligible for examination.

SBI PO Eligibility Criteria

There are certain criteria set by the State Bank of India to recruit candidates for the position of Probationary Officer (PO). The eligibility criteria for the SBI PO exam is divided into different aspects such as educational qualification, age limit, and others. Only those who satisfy the eligibility criteria can apply for the exam.

Eligibility criteria for SBI PO Bank Exam

1. Academic qualifications:

a) Candidates should have passed the graduation or any equivalent level of examination in any discipline recognised by the Central University 

b) Candidates who are yet to pass/in their final year/semester of graduation can also provisionally apply, provided they will have to display the proof of passing the graduation before 31.12.2021 when called for an interview

c) Applicants who have an integrated dual degree or IDD certificate need to ensure that the passing date is on or before 31.12.2021

d) Anyone who is a qualified chartered accountant or cost accountant can apply as well


a) The date on the mark sheet or temporary certificate given by the University/Institute will represent the date on which the eligibility examination was passed

b) A certificate issued by the relevant authority of the University/ Institute specifying the date on which the result was posted on the website will be accepted as the date of passing if the result of a specific examination is posted on the University/ Institute’s website

c) In the online application, the candidate should compute their graduation percentage to the nearest two decimals

d) If any candidate has a CGPA or OGPA, they must convert it to a percentage and enter it into the online application

e) If invited for an interview, the candidate must present a certificate from the competent authorities stating the University’s rules for converting grades into percentages and the percentage of marks earned by the candidate in accordance with these norms

Calculation of Percentage: The percentage marks are calculated by dividing the candidate’s total marks into all courses in all semesters/ year(s) by the aggregate maximum marks in all subjects, independent of Honours/ optional/ extra optional subjects if any. This will also apply to universities where the class/grade is determined solely on the basis of honours marks. The fraction of a percentage determined in this way will be ignored, i.e. 59.99 percent will be as less than 60%, and 54.99 percent will be regarded as less than 55%.

2. Age limit:

  • Candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 30 years as on 01.04.2021
  • Applicants must have a birth date between 02.04.1991 and 01.04.2000 (both days inclusive)
  • There are some guidelines regarding age limit relaxation, that is given below:


Age relaxation 


Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe

     5 years


Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer)

     3 years


Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWD)

  • PWD (SC/ ST)
  • PWD (OBC)
  • PWD (Gen/ EWS)
  • 15 years
  • 13 years
  • 10 years


Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered 5 years military service and have been released upon the completion of assignment (includes those whose assignment is due to be completed within 6 months of the final date of receipt of application) if not, then by dismissal or discharge owing to misbehaviour, inefficiency, or physical disability caused by military service

      5 years


i) Cumulative age relaxation is not permissible under any of the above items separately or in combination with each other

ii) Candidates who seek age relaxation will have to submit the copies of required documents at the time of interview or joining, if they qualify for the same

iii) There cannot be any change in any category after online registration

3. Others: 

a) Candidates with a history of missed loan or credit card payments, as well as those with a CIBIL or other external agency adverse report against their name, cannot apply for the exam

b) Candidates who possess a negative character report and antecedents, as well as moral turpitude, cannot apply for the position

Reservation for PWD

As per Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, there is a 4% horizontal reservation offered to persons with benchmark disabilities. The position has been identified as suitable for people with the disabilities listed below, as defined in the RPWD Act 2016 Schedule.

A) Locomotor Disabilities:

Candidates who cannot perform distinctive activities that are related to self movement or objects and are resulting from affliction of the nervous system or musculoskeletal system or both can apply under this category. This includes cerebral palsy, dwarfism, leprosy cured, muscular dystrophy, and acid attack victims.

a) Leprosy cured person- This refers to the person who is cured of leprosy but suffers from the following conditions-

i) Sensation loss in the hands or feet, as well as sensory loss and paresis in the eye and eyelids, but no visible abnormality

ii) Candidates having a visible deformity and paresis, but their hands and feet are mobile enough to engage in normal economic activity

iii) Any serious physical deformity as well as advanced age, which forbids him/her from working, thus the word “leprosy cured” shall be interpreted accordingly

b) Cerebral palsy- It refers to a group of non-progressive neurological diseases 

i) It affects bodily motions and muscle coordination 

ii) It is caused by damage to one or more specific parts of the brain 

iii) These conditions normally develop before, during, or shortly after birth

c) Dwarfism- It refers to a condition in which the adult height is limited to 4 feet 10 inches (147 cm) or less

d) Muscular dystrophy- Multiple dystrophy is a collection of hereditary genetic muscle diseases

i) It weakens the muscles that move the human body

ii) People with multiple dystrophy have inaccurate and incomplete information in their genes

iii) It prevents them from manufacturing the proteins that healthy muscles require

iv) Progressive skeletal muscular weakening, muscle protein abnormalities, and muscle cell and tissue death are symptoms of this disease

e) Acid attack victims- Any candidate who has been a victim of violent assault via the usage of acid or a similar corrosive substance

Orthopaedic disabled persons that suffer from the following conditions are also included under the Locomotor disability:

  • OA- One arm affected (right or left)
  • OL- One leg affected (right or left)
  • OAL- One arm and one leg affected 
  • BL- Both legs affected but not arms

Note: Candidates who suffer from OA and OAL need to have normal bilateral hand functions

B) Visual impairment:

Candidates who suffer from any of the following conditions, after best correction or treatment, are eligible to apply for the exam:

a) Blindness- 

i) Complete lack of sight

ii) Field of vision is restricted to an angle of less than 10 degrees

iii) With best available correction, visual acuity in the better eye is less than 3/60 or less than 10/200 (Snellen)

b) Low vision- 

i) With the best possible correction, visual acuity that does not exceed 6/18 or less than 20/60 upto 3/60 or upto 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye

ii) Field of vision is restricted to an angle of less than 40 degrees up to 10 degrees

C) Hearing impaired (HI)-

Only those candidates can apply who suffer from any of the listed conditions and have undergone the best possible treatment:

i) Deaf- Any candidate having 70 DB hearing loss in speech frequencies in both the ears

ii) Hard of hearing- Candidates having hearing loss in speech frequencies between 60 to 70 DB, in both ears

D) Intellectual Disability-

Candidates who have been through the treatment of any of the following conditions and still suffer from the same are eligible for the exam, under this category-

i) Specific learning disability (SLD)- Perceptual disabilities, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and developmental aphasia are examples of a broad variety of condition that is characterised by a difficulties comprehending, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, or performing mathematical computations due to a weakness in processing spoken or written language

ii) Mental illness (MI) means a significant disorder of thinking, mood, perception, orientation, or memory that impairs judgement, behaviour, capacity to recognise reality, or ability to meet the ordinary demands of life but does not include retardation, which is a condition of a person’s mind being arrested or incompletely developed, particularly as evidenced by subnormal intelligence

iii) Autism Spectrum Disorder (Mild)- ASD (M)– Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s capacity to communicate, understand relationships, and relate to others, and is sometimes coupled with strange or stereotypical patterns or behaviours. It usually appears in the first three years of life

iv) Multiple Disabilities- It refers to the multiple disabilities amongst VI, SLD, LD, HI, MI and ASD (M)


Candidates who have Benchmark disability will be eligible for the reservation. Benchmark disability refers to a person who has not less than 40% of a specified disorder that has not been specified in quantifiable terms, as well as people who have disabilities or disorders that have been described in quantifiable terms and certified by the certifying body. 

If any candidate wishes to avail benefits of reservation will have to display/submit a certificate issued by the competent authority as per the guidelines of the Government of India. The certificate will be subjected to verification or re-verification as may be decided by the authorities. The certificate needs to be dated on or before the last date of registration of application.