Formulas » Physics Formulas » Weight Formula

Weight Formula

Explore more about the Weight Formula with solved examples.

Weight Formula

Weight is nothing but the force that gravity receives. It is represented by W and Newton is its SI unit. It is expressed as the product of mass and gravitational acceleration. Therefore, the weight of a particular object changes in response to the gravity of that particular space. Therefore, objects of similar mass will appear on different planets with different weights.


W = mg


W = weight of the object

m = mass of the object

g = acceleration due to gravity

Solved examples

1. If the mass is 60 kg, do you want to calculate the weight of a body in the moon? g is given as 1.625 m / s2.

Formula of m = 60kg and 

g = 1.625 m / s2 


 W = mg 

 W = 60 × 1.625 

 W = 97.5N

2. Do you want to calculate the weight of an object on Earth with a  mass of 25 kg?

The formulas for m = 25 kg and 

 g = 9.8 m / s2

 weight is: 

 W = mg 

 W = 25 × 9.8 

 B = 245N


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Weight Formula.

In the weight formula, what is ‘g’?

Ans. The general formula for determining the weight is given as W = mg (N / kg). Here, “g” represents th...Read full

How do you calculate the mass using the weight formula?

Ans. Given the weight of an object, you can calculate its mass by creating a general weight formula. This can be exp...Read full

What is the formula for calculating weight?

Ans. To calculate the weight, use the following general formula: W = mg. Here, “W” is the weight of the object, “m” ...Read full