Formulas » Chemistry Formulas » Specific Heat Capacity Formula

Specific Heat Capacity Formula

Explore more about the specific heat capacity formula with solved examples.

Specific Heat Capacity Formula

Specific heat of any random substance can be defined as the quantity of heat necessitated to alter the temperature of a definite quantity mass of a substance by 1 Degree.

The specific heat capacity of any random substance is the amount of energy associated with altering the temperature by a definite quantity of material or substance of 1 kg mass.

The SI unit of the specific heat capacity and specific heat is J/Kg.  

The formula of specific heat capacity can be depicted as:

Q = mcΔt


c = Q / mΔt….. (1)


Q is the heat energy 

m = mass, calculated in Kg

c Is the specific heat capacity

Δt is the change in temperature measured in kelvin. 

And the temperature change can be depicted as:

ΔT (Tf – Ti)

Where Ti Is the Initial temperature and Tf is the final temperature.

Dimension Expression of Specific Heat Capacity 

The dimensional expression of specific heat capacity can be determined as:

 the dimensional expression of heat = [M¹T-2]

The dimensional expression of m = [M¹]

The dimension expression of ΔT = [K¹]

Now putting the dimensional expressions of Q, m, and ΔT, we get,

[M¹T-2] / [M¹] [K¹]

After cancelling out the terms which are in common:

[M0 T-2 K-1]

Points to Consider 

  • The transferred or displaced heat counts on three causes: the fundamental quantity or mass of the system, the state of matter of a substance, and temperature modification
  • The temperature change is directly proportional to the amount of the transferred heat
  • The mass or fundamental quantity is directly proportionate to the magnitude of the transferred heat
  • The rate of magnitude or the amount of heat transferred depends on the phase and the material

Solved Examples

1. A portion of iron 120 g has a specific heat = 0.50 J/g∘C. Also, it is altered or heated from100∘C to 400∘C. So, determine how much heat energy is necessitated?

Mass (m) = 120 grams

Iron’s specific heat, (c) = 0.50 J/g∘C

Temperature change (ΔT) = 400 – 100 = 300 degrees Celsius

Now by using the formula of heat, we get,

Q = mc ΔT

Q = (120 g)(0.50 J/g∘C)(300 degrees Celsius)

Q = 18000 J

Hence, the capacity of the heat of 120 grams is 18000.0 J. 

2. Say that 15,245 J of heat is utilised in a copper pellet of 45 g. Also, the specific heat of copper is = 0.39J/g∘C. So, determine how much will be the alteration in temperature?  

Mass (m) = 45 g

Copper specific heat, (c) = 0.39J/g∘C.

Q = 15245 J

Now, by using the formula, we get,

Q = mc ΔT = Q / mc = ΔT

ΔT = 15245 J / (45g)(0.39Jg∘C)

ΔT = 868.66 degrees Celsius

Hence, The temperature change is about 868.66 degrees celsius.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Specific Heat Capacity Formula .

Name the material of the substance which has the largest specific heat?

Answer: The substance or material having the largest or the highest specific heat is water. 

Does the Specific heat capacity count on mass?

Answer:  No, the specific heat capacity does not count or depend on mass.   ...Read full

Give the reason why water has higher specific heat than other metals?

Answer: The reason why the water has more specific heat than other metals is that it is inclined to...Read full