Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » Geography » INTERIOR STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH


The article explains the composition and structure of the atmosphere that is similar to a shield under which we can breathe, eat, fulfil our needs, and thus make survival possible.


The interior structure of the earth is divided into three different layers which construct the structure of the outer surface. The inner structure of the earth is responsible for the overall atmosphere and the living condition of the universe. The interior structure of the earth generally consists of an inner yellow core, outer molten core and mantle in red and a brown thin crust. The interior structure of the earth is responsible for climate change in different regions of the earth. The outer structure of the earth is generally created with liquid and the inner core is generally composed of solid. The inner core of the earth’s structure is made up with iron and nickel compounds.

Explain the Structure of the earth

The interior structure of the earth is divided mainly into two parts that are the inner part and the outer part. The earth’s structure is composed of liquid on the outer surface and solid on the inner surface to protect the atmosphere from the high magnetic energy particles. The high energy particles are created due to the solar wound from the earth’s core. However, the other two parts are the mantle and the crust.  Each layer of the earth has different chemical composition and structure to maintain equal structure for the earth’s surface. 

What is the Interior structure of the earth?

The interior structure of the earth is divided into the mantle, core, inner surface and outer surface. Therefore each core has the potential to change the atmosphere of the earth. Variation of heat in the core area changes the movement in the mantle region of the earth which in turn affects the plate to shift from the previous zone. Shifting of the plate from one surface to the other causes earthquakes and eruptions in the volcanic region. The variation of heat creates natural hazards that change the layers and threatens lives on the earth. 

The structure of the earth

The structure of the interior region of the earth is divided into three parts that are described below:


The crust is the outer solid part of the earth’s interior that is approximately 9-40km thick. The crust is composed of nearly 1% of the volume of the earth and 0.5% of the mass of the earth. The crust thickness differs in different areas of the earth’s surface. The ocean region crust is much thicker than the continental area.


After the portion of the crust, the inner region is called the mantle. The thickness of the earth’s mantle is nearly 2900 km. 84% of the volume of the earth is composed of the mantle and 67% of the earth’s atmospheric mass is composed of the mantle.


Core in the most inferior region of the earth’s structure and it is near to the centre of the earth. The earth’s core is totally solid compounds mainly composed of nickel and iron. The temperature of the earth’s surface is controlled mainly by the outer two regions of the earth.

Describe the layers of the earth’s interior:

  • The major components of the earth’s crust region are silica and the aluminium 
  • Lithosphere is the atmospheric region comprising the region of crust and upper side of the mantle.
  • “Conrad Discontinuity” is defined as the discontinuity of the hydrosphere and the crust region.
  • The upper part of the mantle is composed of the lithosphere and it is a weak area in the earth’s structure.
  • The lower part of the mantle and the upper part of the earth’s core is defined as the mesosphere.
  • The inner core of the earth’s interior is solid
  • Outer surface of the earth’s core is liquid

Explain the components of the earth’s diagram:

The components of the earth diagram are divided into three parts and the mantle region is the major region in the earth’s structure. Mantle density is higher than the crust of the earth and it is vicious. The asthenosphere ranges between (80- 200 km) and it constructs the upper surfaces of the earth. The date of the temperature increases toward the core region that is to the centre of the earth.

How does internal structure impact the earth’s atmosphere?

Interior structure impacts the temperature difference in the earth’s atmosphere and the aperture decreases from the inner core to the outer crust region. The earth’s temperature in the core and centre is estimated at 3000 degrees centigrade. However, at high temperatures, the compounds in the earth’s centre area are in a solid state.


The above article illustrates that the earth’s interior is divided into three parts which have different structures and compositions for maintaining the outer space of the earth’s atmosphere. The temperature in the inner core is greater than the temperature in the outer crust region of the earth. The above study indicates that earthquake and volcanic disruption occurs due to changes in the earth’s plate in the core region. The core of the earth is the solid part in the inner structure of the earth


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