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What is the reciprocal of -2/3?

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Q1: What is the reciprocal of -2/3?

The reciprocal of a number is then said to be the number that is obtained when 1 is divided by that number. In other words, we can say that the number is the reciprocal of a given number when that number is a divisor and 1 is the dividend.  

If we take the reciprocal to the reciprocal of the number, we will obtain the original number. That is why the reciprocal of a given number is also known as the multiplicative inverse of the given number. It is also known that the product of the given number and its reciprocal obtained is 1. 

All numbers are known to have a reciprocal of their own, except 0. 0 does not have any reciprocal because if we divide 1 by 0 (i.e., 1/0) we obtain infinity which is undefined. Therefore, all numbers have reciprocal except 0. 

If you want to find the reciprocal of a fraction, all you have to do is flip the numerator and denominator over.

A few examples of reciprocals are given: 

The reciprocal of 5 is 1/5.

The reciprocal of 10 is 1/10. 

The reciprocal of 49 is 1/49.

Procedure to Find the Reciprocal of -2/3

Step 1: To find the reciprocal of -2/3, firstly we write the number in the form of 1 over -2/3.

1 / (-2/3) = -3/2

Step 2: Therefore, the reciprocal of the fractional number is obtained. The answer is -3/2. 

Alternative method

There is also an alternative method to find the reciprocal of a fractional number which is the easiest and quickest. 

We already know that the reciprocal can be obtained by just flipping the numerator to the denominator and the denominator to the numerator. 

Hence, the reciprocal of -2/3 = -3/2. 

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