JEE Exam » Difference Between » Alternator and Generator

Alternator and Generator

Are you willing to understand the difference between an alternator and a generator? So this article is for you. Learn more about such concepts as the meaning and functioning of an alternator and a generator.

Alternators and generators are both known as mechanical devices. These mechanical devices convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Also, an alternator is different from a generator in every other aspect. The major difference between an alternator and a generator is that the magnetic field performs rotations around a stationary structure in an alternator. On the other hand, the structure rotates within a stationary magnetic field in a generator.

The main differences between an alternator and a generator are as follows :

  1. An alternator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into AC electrical energy. On the other hand, a generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into AC or DC (electrical).
  1. An alternator is only responsible for generating the alternating current “AC”, whereas a generator can generate alternating current AC or Direct Current “DC”.
  1. An alternator doesn’t require polarization after installation. However, the generator requires polarization after installation. 
  1. Alternators are mostly used to charge batteries in vehicles. The generator is widely utilized as a backup power supply in every sector, like domestic, construction sites, industrial,  etc.
  1. An alternator saves energy and is more efficient than a generator. A generator wastes some energy and is less efficient than an alternator.
  1. An alternator is smaller in size than a generator. Conversely, a generator is larger compared to an alternator.
  1. An alternator can’t charge a completely drained battery, whereas a generator can be utilized for charging a battery that is completely drained.


An alternator is a mechanical device. The alternator is responsible for converting mechanical energy into AC electrical energy. The alternator is a generator where the magnetic field (rotor) keeps rotating around the armature (stator). 

The alternator is known to conserve energy. The alternator is an enhanced and efficient version of a generator that generates energy when required. Therefore, the batteries inside the vehicle do not die because of overcharging (because the alternator stops supplying power). Hence, an alternator never wastes energy. The alternator cannot be utilized to charge a completely drained battery.


A generator is a mechanical device. A generator is responsible for converting mechanical energy into AC or DC electrical energy. A generator keeps providing energy constantly even when it is not required. This is the reason a generator is less efficient than an alternator. However, a generator can generate AC and DC, and the output voltage remains constant throughout its functioning. Thus, the generator is a perfect device to utilize as a backup power supply in offices, homes, construction sites, etc. A generator can be utilized for charging a battery that is completely drained.

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Alternators and generators are both known as mechanical devices. Alternators and generators are responsible for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Both mechanical devices are different from each other in numerous respects. The major difference between an alternator and a generator is that the magnetic field performs rotations around a stationary structure in an alternator. 

On the other hand, the structure rotates within a stationary magnetic field in a generator. An alternator converts mechanical energy into AC electrical energy. A generator performs the function of converting mechanical energy into AC or DC energy. Both the devices have several differences between them based on their functioning, generating energy, the requirement of polarization, usage, efficiency, size, charging of the battery, etc. Both devices are really useful for the conversion of mechanical energy.


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