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Operating System Videos for GATE – CS & IT | Vishvadeep Gothi

Operating System (OS) in Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is an important subject which allows the computer hardware to communicate and function with the computer software. This subject includes various Processes, Threads, Inter‐process communication, Concurrency and Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU Scheduling, Memory Management, Virtual Memory, and File systems with a weightage of 6-9 marks.

Lecture NumberTopic NameVideo Link
Lecture-1Introduction & Basics of OSWatch now
Lecture-2Types of Operating SystemsWatch now
Lecture-3Process Management: What is the Process?Watch now
Lecture-4Process Management: Process State Transition DiagramWatch now
Lecture-5Process Scheduling & Types of SchedulersWatch now
Lecture-6CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Times and FCFS AlgorithmWatch now
Lecture-7CPU Scheduling: SJF & SRTFWatch now
Lecture-8CPU Scheduling: SRRN and Priority Based AlgorithmsWatch now
Lecture-9CPU Scheduling: Round Robin AlgorithmWatch now
Lecture-10DPP: Scheduling AlgorithmsWatch now
Lecture-11CPU Scheduling: Multilevel Queue & Feedback SchedulingWatch now
Lecture-12Threads & MultithreadingWatch now
Lecture-13Process Synchronization: Race ConditionWatch now
Lecture-14Process Synchronization: Solution for Critical Section ProblemWatch now
Lecture-15Synchronization Hardware: Test & Set, SwapWatch now
Lecture-16Synchronization Tool: SemaphoreWatch now
Lecture-17Practice Questions on SemaphoreWatch now
Lecture-18Bounded Buffer: Classical Problems on SynchronizationWatch now
Lecture-19Classical Problems on Synchronization: Reader-WriterWatch now
Lecture-20Classical Problems on Synchronization: Dining PhilosopherWatch now
Lecture-21Deadlock: IntroductionWatch now
Lecture-22Deadlock PreventionWatch now
Lecture-23Deadlock Avoidance & Banker’s Safety AlgorithmWatch now
Lecture-24Banker’s Algorithm: Resource AllocationWatch now
Lecture-25Questions on DeadlockWatch now
Lecture-26Deadlock Detection & RecoveryWatch now
Lecture-27System Calls & Fork ()Watch now
Lecture-28Memory Management: Contiguous TechniqueWatch now
Lecture-29Paging: IntroductionWatch now
Lecture-30Paging: Address TranslationWatch now
Lecture-31Paging: Practice QuestionsWatch now
Lecture-32Paging: Performance Improvement & TLBWatch now
Lecture-33Paging: TLB Tags and Direct MappingsWatch now
Lecture-34Paging: TLB Tags and Set Associative MappingsWatch now
Lecture-35Multilevel PagingWatch now
Lecture-36SegmentationWatch now
Lecture-37Virtual Memory: IntroductionWatch now
Lecture-38Page Replacement Policies: FIFO, Optimal, LRUWatch now
Lecture-39Page Replacement Policies: LFU, MFUWatch now
Lecture-40Frame Allocation, Thrashing and Working SetWatch now
Lecture-41Inverted Page Table, Hashed Page TableWatch now
Lecture-42Segmented PagingWatch now
Lecture-43Questions on Paging and Virtual MemoryWatch now
Lecture-44Introduction of File SystemWatch now
Lecture-45File System: Disk StructureWatch now
Lecture-46File System: Disk Formatting & Disk BlocksWatch now
Lecture-47File System: File Allocation MethodsWatch now
Lecture-48Disk SchedulingWatch now
Lecture-49All Homework QuestionsWatch now