Formulas » Physics Formulas » Electric Current Formula

Electric Current Formula

Electric current formula: Explore more about the Electric current formula with solved examples.

Electric Current Formula

Electric current is specified as the flow rate of electrons in an electrical circuit. The stream of electrons happens due to the differences in the potential. The electric current formula is derived from Ohm’s law. 

Today, at an impinging of a switch to turn on a node, we have inst power. This is possible only due to the presence of an electric current. Electric current is one of the most vital breakthroughs that help us overturn our way of living. From the time we awake till night, our life is entirely hooked on electricity. 

Define Electric Current

A conducting material comprises a huge number of free electrons in motion from one atom to another atom. When the potential difference is held across a wire, the freely attached free electrons start their movement towards the electropositive end of the cell.

This continuous motion of electrons makes the existence of an electrical current. Hence, the flowing current in a wire is from the electronegative to the electropositive and through and through the external circuit.

Based on the motion of electric current or charge, the electric current is categorised into two types: direct current and alternating current. 

In a direct current, the charge sets motion in only a single direction, but on the other hand, the alternating current closes in both directions. 

Electric Current Formula 

The magnitude of the ratio of the flowing current at any instant region of the conductor is specified as the flow rate of electric current or electrons. 

The mathematical expression of electric current is cited below:

I = Q / t


I = Electric current

Q = electric charge

t = time 

Electric current is defined as the rate of alteration of electric charge through an external circuit. This electric charge or current is related to the resistance and voltage of the course.

By using Ohm’s law, we can correspond to this mathematical expression is:

I = V / R


I = Electric Current

V = Electric voltage

R = Resistance of an aluminiferous or metal wire 

Solved Examples

1. Determine the electric current exceedingly through the electric circuit in which the voltage and resistance are 32V and 4 ω, respectively?

V = 32V

R = 4ω

Here, we have to use the formula of Ohm’s law.

The equalisation for the electric current utilising Ohm’s law is,

I= V/R

On inserting the cognized values, we get

I = 32 / 4

I = 8 A

Hence, the measure of electric current is 8 A.

2. The absolute electric current flowing in an electric circuit is 100 Amps, whereas the resistance of the wires is 20 Ohm. With the help of the current formula, determine the potential difference.

To find the potential difference: 


I = 100 A, R = 20 Ω

Using the formula of current, we get,

I = V/R

100 = V/20

V = 100 × 20

V = 2000

Hence, the potential difference is 2000 V.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Electric Current Formula.

What is the formula used to determine the electric current?

Answer: For determining the electric current, the formula used is: ...Read full

Name the two different types of electric current?

Answer: There are two types of electric current: direct current and alternating current....Read full

Name the device used to measure the flow of current?

Answer: The device used to measure the flow of current is an ammeter. The ammeter can measure both ...Read full