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Borax Formula with Solved Examples

Explore more about the Borax formula with solved examples.

Borax Formula

Borax which can also be popularly labelled as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or sodium borate is the most commonly used detergent. 

What is Borax?

Borax is a powder or granule that is white in colour. It was first spotted and discovered in the 8th century AD in the parched lakes of Tibet. Higher amounts of deposits of borax are found in Turkey, California, Chile, Bolivia, Tibet and Romania. It is of two types based on its crystal and water content. They are:

  • Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate which is represented by Na2B4O7·5H2O
  • Anhydrous sodium tetraborate is denoted by Na2B4O7
  • Sodium tetraborate decahydrate can be labelled as Na2B4O7·10H2O

Formula for Borax

Borax is frequently formed in dry or parched lake beds in which the water dried up and left behind mineral deposits. It is created by combining boron, sodium, and oxygen. 

Borax can be obtained by various processes and their chemical reaction can be represented below:

Chemical Formula or reaction of Borax from Colemanite:

Sodium carbonate reacts with colemanite in the presence of heat to facilitate the formation of borax and sodium metaborate.

2Na2CO3 + Ca2B6O11 + Heat →  2NaBO2 + Na2B4O7 + 2CaCO3


  • Na2CO3 refers to Sodium carbonate
  • Ca2B6O11 signifies colemanite
  • NaBO2 represents sodium metaborate
  • Na2B4O7 stands for sodium tetraborate decahydrate or borax
  • CaCO3 symbolises Calcium carbonate

Chemical Formula or reaction of Borax from Sodium metaborate:

4NaBO2 + CO2 → Na2B4O7 + Na2CO3


  • CO2 refers to Carbon dioxide
  • Na2B4O7 symbolises borax

Chemical Formula or reaction of Borax from Boric acid:

Na2CO3 + 4H3BO3  → 6H2O + CO2 + Na2B4O7

  • H3BO3 represents Boric acid
  • H2O implies water

Uses of Borax:

Borax is used in various places for multiple purposes, Some of them are:

  • It is used as a commercial detergent
  • Applicable for various household purposes
  • Used in soap production
  • Used as a buffering agent
  • Employed as a food additive
  • Helpful in the mining process
  • Supports some medical procedures
  • Favours in preservation and curing
  • Employed in the production of glass, ceramics and pottery

Solved examples of Borax:

Here are a few solved examples of Borax:

Problem1: Write the conversion reaction of borax to boric acid?

Solution: Borax can be transformed into boric acid by treating it with hydrochloric acid. Borax can be immediately converted to boric acid.

2 HCl + Na2B4O7·10H2O → 4 H3BO3 + 5H2O + 2 NaCl 


  • HCl represents Hydrochloric acid.
  • H3BO3 symbolises Boric acid.
  • NaCl implies Sodium chloride.

Problem 2: Write the hydrolysis reaction of Borax?

Solution: The addition of water to borax will result in the formation of Sodium hydroxide and boric acid.

Na2B4O7 + 7H2O → 2NaOH + 4 H3BO3


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Borax Formula

What are the harmful effects of borax?

High exposure to borax will result in nausea, headache, dizziness, etc.

What is the melting point of borax?

Borax has a melting point in the range 743 °C.

Is borax a carcinogen?

 borax falls under the category of non-carcinogen. But, prolonged intake is reported to result in liver cancer....Read full