Formulas » Maths Formulas » Sum Of Integers Formula

Sum of Integers Formula

Sum of Integers Formula: Explore more about the topic, Sum of Integers Formula.

Sum of Integers Formula

Before moving on to the step of calculating and understanding the formula to find the sum of integers it is important to understand the meaning of the term pertaining to the topic, sum of integers.

In the arena of mathematics, the term ‘sum’ can be referred to as the value that will be obtained on the addition of two or more numbers. The value can be known as the sum of integers only when both the numbers that are been added are of the same nature and their nature seems to be positive. One number being negative in nature and the other being positive in nature cannot give us the value that could be known as the sum of integers.

Solved Examples

The example for the sum of integers can be given by the description,

The values 8 and 5 give the sum as 13. Here it can be noted that the given set of integers are both positive in nature and stand true to the condition. Thus, the result obtained here, that is 13 can be termed as the sum of integers. It should also be noted that the value of the sum of integers always comes out to be positive in nature.

Formula to find the sum of integers

The formula to find the sum of integers can be stated as,

S= n(a+l)/2

In the above-given formula, the set of abbreviations stands for,

S – Sum of consecutive integers

n – Number of integers

a – first term

l – last term


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What is the meaning of the sum of integers?

Ans. The term ‘sum’ in the stream of mathematics can be referred to as the value that will be obtained on the ad...Read full

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Ans. The formula to find the sum of integers is as follows, ...Read full